£330k emergency fund for authors affected by Covid-19

20 Mar 2020

The slush fund is the latest urgent funding measure to support imperilled freelancers.

Covid-19 closures could cost more than £1m per day 

20 Mar 2020

New research showing a 92% drop in ticket sales and revenue in a single day suggests income will continue to plummet.

£330bn Covid-19 package 'not enough help to freelancers'

18 Mar 2020

Plans are in place for Government-backed loans, but sector leaders say they fail to support the freelance arts workforce.

Covid-19: Funders pledge flexibility to save the sector

18 Mar 2020

Grant funding will be ‘refocussed’ as freelancers rally to support each other – but there may not be enough cash to go around. 

Northern Irish arts organisations earn more as grants fall

10 Mar 2020

Organisations visited more neighbourhoods, worked with more schools and made more money last year – but attendance is still precarious. 

What we've learned from car parks about boosting attendance

An overhead photo of people in an art gallery
27 Feb 2020

A flexible pricing experiment caused the Weserburg Museum of Modern Art's visitor numbers to soar while maintaining steady income levels, reports Tom Schoessler.

My vision for a radical artist-led hotel

A photo of a man sleeping in a hammock
13 Feb 2020

We need bold new cultural infrastructures to tackle entrenched inequality in the arts, says Amahra Spence. Can a new project combine business nous with social justice?

Power to the people: how arts charities will have to change over the next 10 years

Greta Thunberg addresses climate strikers at Civic Center Park in Denver
06 Feb 2020

Arts charities are becoming organisational dinosaurs with models not fit for purpose. Rise to the challenge or face extinction, says Michelle Wright.

‘An early Christmas present’: NPOs get 1.84% funding boost

18 Dec 2019

Arts Council England has confirmed a small cash injection for each of its portfolio organisations in 2020.

AP's end of year quiz

13 Dec 2019

Arts numpty? Or sector swot? Test your team's knowledge with ArtsProfessional's light-hearted look at the year's news... 

The moral case for making money

A photo of a shared workspace
12 Dec 2019

Patrick Towell explains why underpaying or under-employing workers can never be in an organisation’s long-term interests and suggests how you can start thinking more sustainably about the big picture – for everyone’s benefit.

How the Fringe is forcing out working class voices

12 Dec 2019

Edinburgh Fringe is full of people making obscene amounts of money on the backs of artists who are bringing everyone to the city in the first place, says Kevin P. Gilday. It’s an inequality that is undermining the lofty ideals on which the fringe was formed.

When governments support artists…

12 Dec 2019

The project-to-project style of artists’ work makes it difficult for them to claim welfare benefits so the Irish government has taken action to help. It’s a small step forward, says Eoghan Carrick.

Visiting Arts avoids closure through merger with Farnham Maltings

11 Dec 2019

Farnham Maltings will gain expertise in creating connections in hard-to-reach regions while Visiting Arts secures a future for programmes it was struggling to resource.

Fundraised income grows by 10% in a year

28 Nov 2019

Publicly funded arts organisations attracted more fundraising in 2018/19, but the growth isn’t keeping pace with inflation and falling grant-in-aid.

Artists face financial squeeze as 'perfect storm' of market trends favours the elite

Photo of art auction
18 Nov 2019

Artists will increasingly need multiple income streams and brand collaborations to fund their creative practice in an Instagram-fuelled marketplace, a new report says.

Saving our living heritage for the future

Picture of watch
18 Nov 2019

Patricia Lovett makes the case for protecting and promoting historical crafts – an industry larger than British textiles.

“We surprised ourselves”: Exit Interview with Judith Knight

18 Nov 2019

Forty years after founding Artsadmin, departed Director Judith Knight has just one regret: “it’s the most boring name for a company that’s ever existed, probably.”

When gut instinct can lose you audiences

Ticketsolve speaker addressing the Dublin Forum
07 Nov 2019

Intuition can take you only so far. You’ll be more successful at retaining audiences and reviving lapsed attenders if you use data rather than instinct to develop customer loyalty, says Sarah McAleavy.

Olympic Park cultural quarter already £14m over budget

An artist's drawing of the planned Stratford Waterfront development
01 Nov 2019

Auditors warned that urgent action was needed to avert overspending and delays to the project before planning permission for four key buildings was granted in June. LLDC says it is still in the process of addressing these concerns.


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