You don’t get to work in the arts and support the monarchy

Image outside Buckingham Palace
22 May 2024

With a Royal garden party for the creative industries coming hot on the heels of cultural leaders’ participation in a trade mission to Saudi Arabia, Steven Hadley reflects on why the sector is happy to give legitimacy to imperialism and oppression. 

New funding landscape for the arts

East London youth dance company
30 Nov 2023

Impact investment is an ideal partner for the arts sector where taking creative risks, experimentation and imagination are second nature, writes Fran Sanderson

UK-China: Opportunities, challenges and IP protection

Two women dancers
15 Jul 2024

As arts companies look internationally for new partnerships and audiences, Alex Lalak explores potential concerns about copyright protection when taking your work to China.

Two more years funding for UK-German cultural exchange

09 Jul 2024

The four arts councils of the UK, alongside the British Council, Fonds Soziokultur and Goethe-Institut London, have announced they will continue to fund Cultural Bridge, an artist exchange programme between the UK and Germany, through to 2027.

Cultural Bridge invests in partnerships between cultural organisations across the UK and Germany. Since 2021, the programme has supported 73 cultural organisations to work together through 35 partnerships, which have worked with nearly 600 artists across the two countries.

Previously supported partnerships have explored themes and artforms including prison theatre, youth-led and disability work, climate change, migrant activism, feminism, rural arts and environment-based art.

Mechthild Eickhoff, Managing Director at Fonds Soziokultur, called the funding programme a “role model for how funding can be delivered in a collaborative way both on the level of funding bodies and together with cultural practitioners”.

“The enthusiasm and knowledge of everyone involved is outstanding,” Eickhoff said. “[Cultural Bridge] is now on the next level of development thanks to every partner´s contribution, a growing network of smart practitioners and the new funding from the Arts Council England. More opportunities to learn, share and improve are ahead.”

Applications for the 2025-2026 edition of the programme will open in October.

Gallery in gender row relocates collection to women's toilets

25 Jun 2024

A Tasmanian museum that received a court order forcing it to admit men to a women-only exhibition has relocated part of its collection to a women's toilet to sidestep the ruling.

The Ladies Lounge at Tasmania's Museum of Old and New Art has been open since 2020 and houses some of the museum's most acclaimed works. Playing on the concept of Australian pubs, which were historically male-only spaces until 1970, the exhibit only offered women admittance. 

Kirsha Kaechele, the artist behind the lounge, is appealing against a ruling made in April to allow men entry to the exhibit following a gender discrimination lawsuit filed by Jason Lau, a New South Wales resident.

In an email shared by a spokesperson, Sara Gates-Matthews, Kaechele said that since the court order, she has done “a little redecorating”.

“I thought a few of the bathrooms in the museum could do with an update … Some cubism in the cubicles. So I’ve relocated the Picassos,” she said

“As our work continues on Section 26 of the Anti-Discrimination Act, ladies can take a break and enjoy some quality time in the Ladies' Room,” said Kaechele. 

Museum removes paintings amid Nazi looting probe

17 Jun 2024

A museum in Switzerland will take down five paintings suspected of being looted by Nazis after new international guidelines were laid out earlier this year to aid restitution of art that was previously stolen or forcibly sold. 

Kunsthaus Zurich Museum said the paintings - by Monet, Courbet, Toulouse-Lautrec, van Gogh and Gauguin - will be removed from display while an investigation is conducted.

The works form part of the Emil Bührle Collection, which has previously been the subject of provenance questions. 

Bührle was an arms dealer who sold weapons to the Nazis in World War Two. When he died in 1956, he had built a collection of some 600 artworks, many of which are on display at the Kunsthaus as part of a 20-year loan.

Switzerland is one of more than 20 countries that signed up to the US State Department’s Best Practices for Restitution of Nazi-Confiscated Art in March. 

Stuart Eizenstat, the US secretary of State's special advisor on Holocaust issues, said the guidance sought to address "over 100,000 of the 600,000 paintings and many more of the millions of books, manuscripts, ritual religious items and other cultural objects stolen that have never been returned".

Under existing Swiss law, descendants seeking to recover artworks from the Bührle collection have no legal claims for restitution or compensation due to statutes of limitations.

The Emil Buhrle Collection board said it is "committed to seeking a fair and equitable solution for these works with the legal successors of the former owners, following best practices".

Ireland unveils €6m funding for artists' studios

17 Jun 2024

The Irish government has announced a pilot scheme to increase the number of workspaces for artists and musicians, with a €6m fund for local authorities.

Announcing the government’s commitment to provide capital funding for the provision of artist workspaces, Culture Minister Catherine Martin said she was “acutely aware” of the pressures on artists and creatives, including those in the electronic music sector, to find suitable workspaces.

The scheme will be run through local authorities, who can apply for funding grants, provided they deliver 40 per cent match funding.

Each local authority can apply for up to €150,000 or €300,000  - depending on location - with funding focused on “the delivery of infrastructure to increase availability and access to artist workspaces”. 

“Much of our cultural infrastructure is initiated by our local authorities, and they have been a crucial resource in the delivery of arts and culture interventions over many decades,” said Martin

The plan follows last year's €3m Space to Create project by Dublin City Council to develop 60 artist workspaces in the city.

Last month, the Irish government revealed that a year into its pilot scheme to provide a basic income for artists, creatives receiving a weekly stipend are spending more time on their practice per week, less time working in other sectors and suffering less from depression and anxiety.

British Museum seeks 'realistic' Parthenon solution

07 Jun 2024

The British Museum has said it is seeking “realistic solutions” for the future of the Parthenon Sculptures, recognising that "deep emotions" are involved in the question of repatriating the ancient Greek artefacts.

“The British Museum acknowledges Greece’s strong desire for the return of the Parthenon Sculptures to Athens. We understand and respect the deep emotions involved,” a museum spokesperson told SKAI TV.

The museum added that it hopes to develop a “collaboration for the Parthenon” and explore innovative cooperation with Greece to enhance the global understanding and appreciation of the sculptures.

The announcement came after Turkey's representative at the 24th UNESCO ICPRCP session - Intergovernmental Committee for Promoting the Return of Cultural Property to its Countries of Origin or its Restitution in Case of Illicit Appropriation - rejected the existence of an Ottoman document that authorised Lord Elgin’s removal of the sculptures.

The British Museum maintains the position that Lord Elgin was granted a permit (firman) from the Ottoman Empire, which ruled Athens at the time, to draw, measure and remove around half of the remaining sculptures from the ruins of the Parthenon.

Following Turkey's comments, Greece’s Culture Minister, Lina Mendoni, also declared that no such Ottoman firman existed, according to a report in Athens-Macedonian News Agency.

“I put this in quotes because this is an argument of the British side that has never, however, been proved to be genuine. There was never any Ottoman firman that allowed Elgin to treat the Parthenon Sculptures with the barbarity with which he treated them. At the session, the representative of Turkiye confirmed what the Greek side has argued for years – that there was no firman,” said Mendoni.

“Greece is always open to dialogue. It has tried and will continue to try so that the great national goal – which is to satisfy the national demand for the reunification of the Parthenon Sculptures in Athens, in the Acropolis Museum – becomes a reality.” 

Diversity in orchestra repertoires decreases

04 Jun 2024

Worldwide study on gender and race diversity of composers played by orchestras shows little progress in the last two years.

Five strategies to elevate your philanthropy practice

Three masked women at a drinks party
29 May 2024

Continuing our series looking at the role of philanthropy in the arts, Tessitura’s Kate Watson and Rebecca Herberson explore whether a US model of philanthropy might provide a viable alternative funding stream in these straitened times.

Positive impact of Ireland’s basic income pilot continues

A sculptor working in a studio
28 May 2024

A year into the pilot, artists receiving a weekly stipend are spending more time on their practice per week, less time working in other sectors and are suffering less from depression and anxiety.

Frazer defends Saudi trade mission amid 'art washing' concerns

Culture Secretary Lucy Frazer meeting with Saudi Tourism Minister Ahmed Al Khateeb
17 May 2024

Culture Secretary says the UK can 'support positive social change' in Saudi Arabia through engagement and relationship building as UK cultural organisations attend trade event in Riyadh.

UK's soft power strategy 'must involve creative sector'

A woman singing in a recording studio
16 May 2024

Report warns UK risks 'self-inflicted economic and diplomatic damage' unless government boosts its support for creative industries on the world stage.

Artists voice support for Palais de Tokyo amid 'wokeism' row

13 May 2024

Nearly 200 artists, curators, and critics have voiced their support of Palais de Tokyo after a longtime patron resigned from the Paris museum, accusing it of promoting “wokeism, anti-capitalism, pro-Palestine, etc.”

In an open letter, Collector Sandra Hegedüs said she withdrew from the museum's patron group, Amis du Palais de Tokyo, after 15 years because a current show contains references to efforts toward Palestinian liberation.

Hegedüs wrote that the exhibition “proposes, without perspective, some biased views and lies about the history of this conflict.” 

In an open letter first published in Le Monde, nearly 200 signatories, including artists Éric Baudelaire, Camille Henrot, Thomas Hirschhorn, and Pierre Huyghe, said the situation posed a potential threat to “institutional freedom” in France.

The letter said: “Like art and artists, our cultural institutions must remain free, or else risk disappearing.

“To remain free, they must be able to work with the professionalism and peace of mind that allow them to provide the conditions for the confrontation of ideas that is at the heart of their mission.”

NPOs accused of 'art washing' over Saudi trade mission

A CGI of Jamur marina with waterfront properties
09 May 2024

Leaders from the National Theatre, Southbank Centre and newly-named Royal Opera and Ballet among those taking part in UK government-backed trade delegation to Saudi Arabia.

Gallery installs toilet and church to remain a women-only space

08 May 2024

A women-only exhibition at a Tasmanian museum that received a court order forcing it to admit men has announced it will install a toilet to sidestep the ruling.

The Ladies Lounge at Tasmania's Museum of Old and New Art has been open since 2020 and houses some of the museum's most acclaimed works. Playing on the concept of Australian pubs, which were historically male-only spaces, the exhibit only offered women admittance. 

In April, a court ordered men to be allowed entry following a gender discrimination lawsuit filed by Jason Lau, a New South Wales resident.

Kirsha Kaechele, the artist behind the lounge, which has been closed since the ruling, said she plans to install a toilet and a church in the space, which she claims will allow it to continue operating as a women-only space under legal exemptions.

“There is a fabulous toilet coming to the Ladies Lounge and so, in that sense, the Ladies Lounge will operate as a ladies’ room,” said Kaechele.

There are plans to admit men to the exhibit on Sundays to learn ironing and laundry folding.

Despite losing the discrimination case, Kaechele said the outcome had been positive. "Thanks to the ruling,” she said, “We have no choice but to open ourselves to a whole range of enriching experiences - spiritual, educational... to discover fascinating new possibilities, and to become better."

American orchestra drops UK dates due to costs

30 Apr 2024

Cleveland Orchestra has reportedly withdrawn from performances in the UK over cost concerns, according to a report in Slipped Disc.

The orchestra had reportedly accepted invitations to play at both the BBC Proms and the Edinburgh Festival as part of a ten-stop European tour this summer.

Slipped Disc claims the orchestra would have incurred a sizeable financial loss from the UK stops, which neither m usic festival could compensate for.

Several commentators have noted the absence of an American orchestra from this year's Proms season.  

Artistic freedom under threat from authoritarian and illiberal regimes

Detail form a painting detailing head of a woman
23 Apr 2024

As global politics become increasingly polarised, the right to freedom of expression is under threat in many countries, including the European Union, writes Johanna Bankston.

Concerns raised over Ireland’s lack of Arts Council Chair 

22 Apr 2024

Arts leaders and politicians in Ireland have criticised Arts and Media Minister Catherine Martin for taking over four months to appoint a Chair to the Arts Council.

Her department recently confirmed that there are currently 17 vacancies on boards of national cultural institutions across Ireland, including the role of Chair at the Arts Council - An Chomhairle Ealaíon - which has been empty since Kevin Rafter's departure, announced on 1 December last year.

The Fianna Fáil TD (a member of the lower house of the Irish Parliament) told the Irish Mail on Sunday: "This delay is most regrettable. It creates the impression that arts and culture are some sort of decorous side issue to be left on the political sideline to be waved at. This is a substantial budget which needs to be supervised appropriately."

"The arts play a key role in building wellbeing in communities, in tourism and in job creation. It is not politically wise or responsible to leave the sector without leadership," added the Cavan-Monaghan TD.

Niamh Smyth, head of the Oireachtas Committee on Media, Tourism, Arts, Culture, Sport and the Gaeltacht, said that cultural bodies and arts organisations “are becoming gravely concerned over the long delay in appointing a new chair”.

Sinn Féin senator Fintan Warfield previously raised the issue last month, saying: “It is now March 2024, and there is no chairperson of the Arts Council, a state agency with a budget of €130m."

Australia trade deal introduces royalties for UK artists

03 Apr 2024

UK artists will earn new royalties when their work is resold in Australia as part of a free trade agreement between the UK and Australia, the government has said.

The Department for Trade and Industry says rules introduced last week mean UK artists can claim resale royalties each time their art - including paintings, sculptures, prints and photographs - is resold in the Australian professional art market. 

Artists are now entitled to resale royalties in line with the Australian system, currently 5% of the sale price of artworks sold commercially for AU$1,000 or more, where previously they would not have received anything. 

Creative Industries Minister Julia Lopez said: “Thanks to this new Free Trade Agreement, British artists will be fairly rewarded for their efforts and be able to claim resale royalties in line with the system [in Australia]. 

"This is just one part of our plan to grow our booming creative industries even further, benefiting talented British artists that are in demand around the world.” 


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