Covid will affect future lottery funding, experts warn

27 Aug 2020

The National Lottery faces major challenges as more charities clamour for support.

No sector is suffering more than the arts, figures show

27 Aug 2020

New ONS data lays bare the critical state of the arts and entertainment sectors. Yet these organisations are supporting their employees better than most.

Visitor numbers at a standstill as museums reopen

12 Aug 2020

Major museums are attracting less than 10% of the visitors they normally would - and paying through the nose to do so.

Silence on support for ‘crown jewels’

24 Jul 2020

Tate Gallery will be one of the beneficiaries of the Government’s £1.57bn bailout. But as major organisations consult on redundancies, rumours are flying as to who else will – or won’t – receive funding.

Arts sector worst hit as other industries emerge from lockdown 

23 Jul 2020

Ongoing closures mean the impact of Covid-19 is more severe for arts and entertainment than any other industrial sector – and the drought may not be over yet.

How to get audiences to pay more for streamed content

US troops performing on an outdoor stage at an undisclosed location
22 Jul 2020

What would happen if an audience was allowed to make a reservation for a small fee, enjoy the experience, and then pay afterwards, when the emotional value is highest? Kahlil Ashanti tried it out – and was very glad he did.

Non-profit venues lose out under emergency VAT rules

St Martin's Theatre on London's West End
17 Jul 2020

Cultural venues exempt from VAT will gain nothing from new rules meant to benefit the sector, while commercial operators will be significantly better off. 

How to get up-front funding for a project – without losing control

a composite image featuring Facebook and YouTube brands
13 Jul 2020

R&D funding for artists is hard to come by, but Hannah Grannemann and Amy Whitaker believe emerging artist-centric sources of finance will offer important new opportunities that could radically shift the economics.

Letter: Fund the ecosystem - not the select few

13 Jul 2020

If ACE only distributes the Government's support package to the organisations they have a current relationship with, then 80% of the sector will remain vulnerable and large scale venues as well as small will be at risk says Michael Ockwell.

ACE grants just one third of emergency funds, holds on to £56.9m

London Symphony Orchestra
09 Jul 2020

The funder says 95 National Portfolio Organisations that applied “were not able to demonstrate they needed urgent funding”.

Evolve or die: time to think the unthinkable

People queuing for an aquarium amongst membership signs
09 Jul 2020

Covid-19 has only accelerated what was bound to happen in the arts world – the collapse of unsustainable economic models. It’s time to think again about where income comes from - and what we spend it on - says Alice Black.

Building online relationships with supporters

Bird's eye view of unoccupied red theatre seating
30 Jun 2020

In the current climate it’s time to adapt digital fundraising strategies and look at how your data can help boost online donations, says Lucy Costelloe.

Refund scandal could tarnish the reputation of the theatre industry

people standing casullay outside the Savoy Theatre in London
15 May 2020

Ticket buyers fighting to claim refunds from ATG Tickets have found the company is not automatically refunding transaction fees, claiming this is in line with the industry’s Code of Practice.

Why are arts workers always pigeonholed?

A photo of a large group of people throwing juggling clubs and hoops in the air
20 Apr 2020

By labelling people as either creators or administrators the sector is losing out on a host of valuable skills, says Rachel Griffiths.

Artrix falls victim to Covid-19 trading losses

Artrix Arts Centre image
07 Apr 2020

The Bromsgrove arts centre was returning to financial health following local authority cuts, but the coronavirus crisis has proved fatal for the organisation, which needs £10,000 a month to lie dormant.

UN proclaims value of artists – but no payment

Russian dolls with Covid masks
03 Apr 2020

Creative practitioners are being told “you have the power to change the world” but responses to its creative brief will be rewarded with profile and exposure, not cash.

Maintaining focus in the eye of the storm

Satellite photo of an eye of a storm
02 Apr 2020

Once the initial storm of Covid-19 closures and lockdown subsides, rapid and focused medium-term planning will be essential for the recovery of arts organisations. Robin Cantrill-Fenwick proposes a 5-step plan for getting on track.

Victory: sector celebrates pay protection for self-employed

27 Mar 2020

As stopgap measures grow in number, some arts workers will still fall through the cracks.

How to help audiences choose donations and ticket exchange

Regent Ipswich
26 Mar 2020

Audiences like to feel personally responsible for bringing about positive change, says Sean Hanly, so giving them the chance to consider options other than a ticket refund will generate goodwill and encourage them to return - once it’s safe to open the doors again.

Covid-19: Model for 50% less income, creative businesses told

24 Mar 2020

Reserves and furloughing are "no guarantee" that further cuts can be avoided.


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