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Arts People

Claire Spencer smiles in front of a city backdrop
CLAIRE SPENCER has announced her resignation as CEO of the Barbican Centre after just over two years in the role. Writing on LinkedIn,...
Left to right: headshots of Joni Emery, Josette Bushell-Mingo, Sarah-Jane Dent
JOSETTE BUSHELL-MINGO and SARAH-JANE DENT have been appointed Co-Chairs of the Board of the women’s theatre company Clean Break. The...
Bharti Kher, Djinn, 2024, at Yorkshire Sculpture Park
Yorkshire Sculpture Park (YSP) has welcomed a fresh cohort of board members replacing several trustees who are stepping down. The new...
DUNCAN DORNAN, Head of Museums and Collections at Glasgow Life Museums, has confirmed he is going to retire.  He will step down in August...
Headshot of Martina Murphy
Oldham Coliseum has welcomed JULIA TURPIN and MARTINA MURPHY as Chief Executive and Board Chair respectively. The announcement comes hard...

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I recall one Jeremy Newton the then Deputy Director of Eastern Arts, (later to become CEO of NESTA) speaking at a meeting of the Council of...
Good grief - I would have thought ACE would have been doing this for the past 10 years. Before ACE asks for funding it should sort the mess...
Posted by Chris Hodgkins on ACE embarks on arts investment lobbying drive
As a thought experiment, I’m curious about the rationale for privileging one musical genre over any other. What makes orchestral music ‘the...
Posted by Dave Camlin on Orchestral music as an agent for change
This case has shown the need for respect and probity on both sides of a court case. Any and every court case must meet these fundamental...
The ACE has an exemplary track record in dealing with cases affected by race discrimination. It has fought hard and consistently to build...
Hi Sally, this is based on data from 2,800 arts and culture organisations across the UK. Apologies for any lack of clarity on that.
This article refers to the financial health of organisations in and across the UK, but the research presented actually seems to refer to...
The Arts Council England's review of opera, "Let's Create: Opera and Music Theatre Analysis" was commissioned in May...
ACE like all non-governmental agencies is subject to periodic review including whether it still has a unique purpose. If Debbonaire thinks...
The more important question before taking an increasing ‘skills shortage’ at face value is why?… It may not simply be lack of people taking...

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