Smaller arts organisations facing worst financial struggles

29 Aug 2024

The latest in a series of articles investigating the state of arts sector finances explores how different sized organisations are faring in the current economic climate.

Musicians join voices condemning cultural budget handling

Young Fathers win The SAY Award
30 Aug 2024

In an open letter, Scottish musicians have called on First Minister John Swinney, to confirm funding for Creative Scotland to avert "a cultural catastrophe".

Business model for small arts organisations 'close to untenable'

The arts Professional and MyCake logos pictured alongside dancing children
29 Aug 2024

In the last in our series of articles investigating the state of arts sector finances, Arts Professional speaks to cultural leaders Linda BloomfieldBrian Logan and Sanaz Amidi about the challenges and advantages of being small arts organisations.

Scotland's museums and galleries face funding gap

A Scottish flag and a Sphynx
28 Aug 2024

Evidence submitted to Holyrood details how Scottish museums and galleries are facing funding disadvantages compared to the rest of the UK and to Scotland's wider culture sector.

£45k boost to Northants community arts organisations

27 Aug 2024

West Northamptonshire Council has awarded £45k to 15 voluntary and community sector organisations in the region.

The council said the funding will "expand and enhance the arts and culture offering in West Northants".

Grants of up to £5,000 have been awarded to a range of projects which the council believes address "an identified local need" while also supporting, enabling or facilitating "the achievement of one or more of the council's strategic aims, objectives or priorities".

The funded projects include Rockin' Roadrunner, a free annual community-based festival for people with disabilities, and Performing Room, a community arts development programme designed to help people express themselves through music and the creative arts.

Also funded is Accent Percussion, a community percussion group using drumming workshops to improve physical and mental health. 

Councillor Daniel Lister, Cabinet Member for Local Economy, Culture and Leisure, said the funded projects "are not only enriching our cultural landscape but are also making a real difference in people's lives, particularly among our most vulnerable residents".

He added: "By promoting inclusivity, creativity, and wellbeing, these initiatives are helping to strengthen our communities and attract more people to experience the unique culture our area has to offer."

Creative Scotland axes fund amid budget uncertainty

Iain Munro, CEO of Creative Scotland, and Scottish Culture Secretary Angus Robertson
22 Aug 2024

Creative Scotland CEO Iain Munro said closing the Open Fund for Individuals was “unavoidable” due to uncertainty surrounding of grant-in-aid budgets from the Scottish government.

Derby dance company enters liquidation

Performers and spectators at Derby Feste in 2018
22 Aug 2024

National Portfolio Organisation Déda has entered voluntary insolvency due to financial issues. The announcement follows research from Arts Professional showing that in 2023, NPOs were collectively in the red by £63.1m.

National Theatre 'at risk of shutdown without DCMS subsidy'

The National Theatre
21 Aug 2024

According to DCMS, without a proposed £26.2m subsidy for repairs and renovations, the National Theatre could be forced to leave its South Bank site entirely.

Government yet to decide on ACE Chair appointment

Nicholas Serota
19 Aug 2024

Nicholas Serota's second term as ACE Chair is due to end in less than six months but the search for a successor is yet to begin.

Manchester-based former NPO closes

A photographer taking a picture
15 Aug 2024

Photography network Redeye is a one of a number of former NPOs to close after failing to secure funding as part of the 2023-26 National Portfolio.

'Political churn' a barrier to cultural involvement in local decision making

Woman visitor using phone in museum
14 Aug 2024

Research highlights 'significant room for improvement' in how museums are supported and involved strategically in local cultural decision making.

Oldham Council secures £500,000 ACE funding

12 Aug 2024

Oldham Council has been awarded £564,375 by the Arts Council England to pay for improvements to a building that houses Gallery Oldham and the town's central library.

The Saddleworth Independent reports that the local authority will use the money to “improve the experience for visitors” and “upgrade systems” to “minimise future maintenance and repair costs”.

Gallery Oldham’s infrastructure and environmental performance will be improved through the £287,375 from ACE's the Museum Estate and Development Fund.

While the layout of the library and what it offers visitors will be enhanced by the £277,000 awarded from ACE's Library Improvement Fund.

Peter Dean, Cabinet Member for Thriving Communities and Culture at Oldham Council, said: “Gallery Oldham and central library are two of our most important cultural buildings when it comes to visitor numbers.

“It’s really good news that we’ve received this funding to make sure they are user-friendly and fit for purpose for years to come.”

Work on the improvements is expected to begin later this year.

Scotland plans formal strategic partnership to support festivals

09 Aug 2024

Scottish Culture Secretary Angus Robertson has promised that government and public bodies will work with the nation’s arts festivals and wider culture sector to “enhance the vital role” of festivals.

In an open letter to the culture sector, Robertson said he has set up a formal Strategic Partnership for Scotland’s Festivals to use “knowledge and expertise” to inform how the sector is supported in the future and said that Creative Scotland and Events Scotland have been invited to participate.

Calling Scotland’s arts festivals the “jewel” in the culture sector and national life, Robertson said: “With the help of the sector, which has already identified many of the necessary next steps, I want to ensure that we are best-supporting festivals. 

“This will include additional Scottish Government funding, which is committed to raise additional annual spending on culture and the arts by £100m by 2028/29, aiming for an increase of £25m next year.”

Bristol Old Vic 'struggling to cover costs'

Exterior of Bristol Old Vic
09 Aug 2024

Historic venue is in its fourth year of losses despite ticket sales being up by one-third on last year.

Spending review: ACE to identify 'essential interventions'

Arts Council England Chief Executive Darren Henley
06 Aug 2024

Arts Council England Chief Executive outlines strategy to secure additional support for struggling cultural organisations.

Lottery funding down for third consecutive year

A National Lottery sign
01 Aug 2024

Figures from government show the amount of lottery funding distributed to good causes, including the arts, is falling.

‘We will have your back’, Nandy tells cultural sector

01 Aug 2024

Culture Secretary Lisa Nandy has emphasised the role the cultural and creative sectors can play in driving national renewal in her first major speech in post.

Addressing more than 150 organisations at the People’s History Museum in Manchester, Nandy said the “inspiring and inclusive story” seen in the 2012 Olympic Opening Ceremony is “waiting for someone to give voice to it again”.

Highlighting Manchester’s groundbreaking cultural achievements such as the world’s “first free library”, Nandy said the new government would show similar drive, creativity and inclusion, as well as a “willingness to do things differently”.

She said this spirit was already evident in the government’s activity, including a curriculum review to give children more creative and sports opportunities, and its investment in grassroots sport.

Stressing the significance of creativity and culture to economic growth, Nandy claimed: “Through our partnerships with our mayors, councils, businesses and charities, we’re putting rocket boosters under our growing industries – film and theatre, TV, fashion, video games, heritage and tourism – to take the brakes off the economy, create opportunity for every child and to export our incredible talent across the world.”

She added that she intended to make sure public appointments “truly reflect” the country’s diversity – “not to fulfil a quota, but to ensure that our government draws on the creative might of all of our people”.

Nandy promised those that shared her vision “that we will walk alongside you. We will have your back. And we will give voice to the country many of us have believed in all our lifetime but never quite yet seen.”

The summit included representatives from major media and entertainment companies such as the BBC and Amazon, alongside national sports, tourism and cultural organisations.

Council culture budgets fall by over £2bn since 2010

31 Jul 2024

The Local Government Association is calling for the funding pots available for cultural projects to be streamlined as it publishes graphics detailing the complex nature of culture funding at the local level.

Cearphilly proposes mothballing theatre and museum

31 Jul 2024

Caerphilly County Borough Council has launched a public consultation over its proposals to withdraw all funding to performing arts centre Blackwood Miners' Institute and living history museum Llancaiach Fawr Manor.

The plans is part of the council's attempt to find savings of around £45m over the next two financial years, in addition to £20m of long-term savings that have already been identified.

“We can’t continue to run our services the way we always have," said Council Leader Sean Morgan. We need to explore all options and consider ways of doing things differently.”

“I want to be honest with the community, because it is clear that the scale of savings means we need to make some very difficult decisions over the coming months.”

The council is proposing to mothball Llancaiach Fawr at the end of December 2024 to allow it to save on its annual subsidy of £485,000 for 2025/26 while trying to establish alternative providers for the venue, which employs 20 staff.

Blackwood Miners' Institute, which employs nine people,  would lose all its £347,000 council subsidy from the end of December 2024, with the authority pledging to explore different ways of running the facility in the future. 

The consultation runs from 30 July 2024 to 10 September 2024.

Rare museum collections share £7.6m

Learning about ceramics at The Leach Pottery
30 Jul 2024

The National Lottery Heritage Fund has split £7.6m between six rare museum collections covering pottery, sport, diving and archaeology.


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