Artful leadership against a clever virus

group of street-drummers marching for Juba do Leão - Handmade 2018
17 Jun 2020

As we move from the immediate crisis towards new ones, we need atypical thinkers, agile doers and creative problem-solvers who thrive in unknowns, says Kai Syng Tan. She and Tom Northey explore examples of ‘Artful Leadership’.

Why are arts workers always pigeonholed?

A photo of a large group of people throwing juggling clubs and hoops in the air
20 Apr 2020

By labelling people as either creators or administrators the sector is losing out on a host of valuable skills, says Rachel Griffiths.

Failure seems to be the hardest word

A photo of a smashed plate on the floor
14 Apr 2020

When it's time to rebuild, the cultural sector will have to start owning up to failure if it is to learn from its previous mistakes. David Stevenson reports on a research project encouraging just that.

Reasons to be cheerful

Photo shows a grandfather reading bedtime stories to three toddlers and a baby on a sofa
08 Apr 2020

“You may be down, but you're not out”, says Ron Evans, who is convinced this pandemic is poised to be the biggest catalyst to creativity that any of us has experienced in our lives.

Working together to articulate cultural value

Audience at a gig - arms waving
01 Apr 2020

When the coronavirus crisis ends and government is prioritising what happens next, nothing will be more important than being able to articulate cultural value. Ben Walmsley and Anne Torreggiani explain how the new Centre for Cultural Value will support funders, policymakers and the cultural sector to make more effective use of research and evaluation.

How we can stop infantilising disabled artists?

A photo of a performance including an actor in a wheelchair
31 Mar 2020

Age-old paternalistic attitudes will persist unless disabled people lead change themselves, says Vici Wreford-Sinnott.

Covid-19: Disability top of mind for DCMS

30 Mar 2020

Disabled artists say their safety, security and insight into limited lifestyles are crucial during this crisis. 

Self care: a life jacket in a crisis

26 Mar 2020

How do arts organisations and individuals cope when what we do so instinctively is threatened? Lead the way and self care says Suzanne Alleyne.

Creative conversations to start the day

Person using iPad
26 Mar 2020

How do you keep connected in our Covid-19 world? #CreativeNetwork is a chance to talk about creative responses to enforced separation – and drink coffee together. Jemma Neville explains. 

Museum freelancers to sector: ‘Fight for us’

23 Mar 2020

UK museums, libraries, galleries and archives must “visibly and robustly stand up for freelancers who they frequently depend so greatly on”.

Covid-19 closures could cost more than £1m per day 

20 Mar 2020

New research showing a 92% drop in ticket sales and revenue in a single day suggests income will continue to plummet.

How can we best respond to a crisis?

18 Mar 2020

The challenges facing arts organisations have changed dramatically – but that doesn’t mean giving up on our core values, says Richard Watts.

What can cultural boards learn from climate activism?

18 Mar 2020

From job titles to meeting agendas, Debbie Bell explains why no stone is left unturned in her trustees’ approach to tackling the climate emergency.

'Overambitious' about placemaking? We've only just started...

05 Mar 2020

The Great Place Scheme demonstrates how projects flourish when official bodies allow them freedom from pre-determined outcomes, says Jill Cole.

ArtsProfessional meets… Nicholas Serota

Photo of Nicholas Serota
27 Feb 2020

Lottery funding, low pay, and that boat…Amanda Parker meets the Arts Council England Chair and architect of the UK’s engagement with art.

Better arts leadership? In your dreams...

A photo of a black and white painting
27 Feb 2020

The Tavistock Institute’s courses have always embraced approaches outside of the mainstream. Heather Stradling tells Jonathan Knott how it’s now upping the creative element to take things to the next level.

Whittingdale is back: the new DCMS Ministers

20 Feb 2020

DCMS has welcomed two new ministerial posts and a former Culture Secretary after widespread speculation it would be dismantled.

Free to speak? Not if you work in the arts

A photo of statues of angels, one with a gag over its mouth
20 Feb 2020

As ArtsProfessional unveils the explosive findings from its recent Freedom of Expression survey, Liz Hill examines the soul of a sector that believes it is owed artistic freedom but doesn’t tolerate freedom of speech within its own ranks.

The human impact of avoiding controversy

A photo of violinists playing in an orchestra
20 Feb 2020

Reflecting on being wrongfully dismissed by the Royal Academy of Music, Dr Francesca Carpos says the sector must create a culture where controversial issues can be discussed without fear of unfair retribution.

I shouldn’t have been ‘cancelled’ for my vulgar jokes

A photo of a punk performance by Jayne County
20 Feb 2020

Yes, my crude social media posts may have caused offence – but we can't only allow speech we find agreeable, says Manick Govinda.


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