Call to patronise local museums as visitors favour big name sites

19 Aug 2021

Museums have not yet returned to full strength despite restrictions lifting. The challenges for smaller and larger sites this summer differ.

Writing for health

using a computer on a sofa
13 Jul 2021

It's widely agreed that arts and creativity can boost mental health and wellbeing. But less well known is the positive effect that writing can have, says Christina Bunce

Young people taking the lead

Attenborough Arts Centre's resident youth group, Next Gen
06 Jul 2021

A new programme aimed at engaging 18-to-25 year olds with museums and galleries hands over control of the creative direction to the young people themselves. Sophie Alonso explains. 

Opening up the talent pipeline

Promotional image for the Deutsche Bank Award for Creative Entrepreneurs
06 Jul 2021

A group of young creatives have been selected as Creative Entrepreneurs for 2021 on the basis of their potential. Marina Norris looks at a programme aimed at building the opportunities and skills of young people.

Arts and academic collaborations in placemaking

Community yarnbombing by Woven in Kirklees
29 Jun 2021

We are witnessing a significant increase in diverse and highly ambitious partnerships between universities and the cultural sector. Evelyn Wilson and Emily Hopkins think it's something to shout about. 

Bringing art to the people of Liverpool

Artist Gail Dooley stands next to her sculpture at The Liverpool Plinth
29 Jun 2021

Public art plays a vital role in engaging people. And giving cultural venues a voice in cities is crucial to creating a more equitable city for all, writes Laura Brown.  

Towards a more civic theatre

Cover on Dan Hutton's Towards a Civic Theatre
16 Jun 2021

It’s easy to blame the challenges now facing theatre on the longest shutdown of stages since the mid-17th century. But these problems began well before the pandemic, argues Dan Hutton

Bridging the academic-classroom divide

Conductor leading a school orchestra
04 May 2021

Music educators often lack the confidence and energy to engage with academic research. Encouraging them to do so may be the way to address the disconnect between the two worlds, argues Dr Steven Berryman.

True service is selfless

A group of people wearing masks standing outside southall manor
16 Apr 2021

Ajay Chhabra jumped at the opportunity to manage a Covid test centre in the heart of London’s South Asian community. He found that one size never fits all.

'Priority places' list to guide increased ACE investment

15 Apr 2021

New capital and business development programmes are in the pipeline as ACE looks to "refresh" the criteria for existing funding streams and "broaden" its National Portfolio.

Don’t take your opera audiences for granted

13 Apr 2021

James Clutton says supporters have stood by cultural organisations through the toughest of times. They deserve transparency, care and as much opportunity to engage as possible.

A year of reorientation in the Borough of Brent

Kamiah, Nuradean and Santos - Vent at Brent 2020, London Borough of Culture
08 Apr 2021

Lois Stonock planned the London Borough of Culture 2020 to respond to Brexit. Then Brent became home to one of the UK’s first coronavirus fatalities.

Don’t leave your community out in the cold

Eden Court's Empire Theatre as Humanitarian Aid Centre - one of the winners of the inaugural Award for Civic Arts Organisations
07 Apr 2021

What does it mean to have a civic role in challenging times? Andrew Barnett and Deborah Bull discuss.

Major shake-up for BBC arts

BBC concert orchestra on stage
01 Apr 2021

BBC cuts prompt an internal restructuring that will link classical music with arts and factual programming and remove a layer of experienced management.

Surrey venues draw sightseers, spending and social benefits, study finds

23 Feb 2021

New research shows 70% of visitors to Surrey arts venues would not have come into town - and spent an extra £40 on average - if it weren't for those institutions.

Going digital isn’t about technology

Two women sitting at screens facing each other in a Zoom call
10 Feb 2021

The greater success of some arts organisations boils down to a few key ingredients. Money isn’t one of them, writes Ash Mann.

What to do when you’re sick of Zoom

A digital rendition of a theatre in a surrealist style
10 Feb 2021

Heidi Wiley and Hélène Gauthier share how they created a virtual venue - and why they think this provides a model for the future.

Orchestral music's popularity grew in lockdown

07 Jan 2021

Movie scores and video game soundtracks are broadening the genre's appeal, attracting a new generation of fans who are more likely to donate.

'We are sorry': charity admits history of racism in arts activities

15 Dec 2020

Westway Trust says it "has been, and remains, institutionally racist" following decades of allegations.

Five things we’ve learnt from lockdown

Woman taking a photo of an art installing depicting a rainbow
03 Dec 2020

National and international research has examined the pandemic’s impact on fundraising, marketing and audience development strategies, but what do the findings mean for the arts, culture and heritage in 2021? Arts Fundraising & Philanthropy looks to the challenges that now lie ahead. 


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