Why failing fast can be good for you

Photo of Liverpool Royal Court interior
15 May 2019

What can you do if your event is approaching but your marketing campaign isn’t achieving its desired effect? If you’ve got access to the right data, there’s always time to turn the tide, says Paul Fadden.

ACE pledges £1.5m to grassroots music venues

A band performing on stage
10 May 2019

Previously criticised as “too posh for pop”, Arts Council England has voiced support for genres including rock and hip-hop.

Queuing up for 50p tickets

A photo of a queue of people outside Citizens Theatre, Glasgow
02 May 2019

There are queues around the block for a chance to nab the Citizens Theatre's 50p tickets – an offer that’s available for every production. It’s not just a way of diversifying audiences, it also brings to life the theatre’s history, and civic mission, says Dominic Hill.

Smarter thinking about mobile ticketing

Photo of lyft app wireframes
18 Apr 2019

Mobile ticketing is convenient for the customer and can open up new business opportunities. Innovations in the US signal a way forward for the UK, suggests James McClure.

Price hikes will restrict access, Northern Ireland sector warned

Belfast Grand Opera House
05 Apr 2019

The Arts Council of Northern Ireland has reported that average ticket prices have risen above the rate of inflation over the last three years.

Points make prizes

Photo of a man sitting in an airports, watching a plane take off
07 Mar 2019

Schemes aimed at generating loyalty need to do more than offer simple discounts. Francesca Di Nuzzo looks to airline loyalty programmes for inspiration.

Making the most of market forces

Photo of a standing ovation in a large theatre
10 Jan 2019

James McClure sets out five ways in which smart ticketing strategies can increase customer satisfaction as well as revenues.

How to... develop a CRM strategy

Photo of Shakespeare's Globe Theatre
03 Jan 2019

How can arts organisations develop the best possible strategy for their customer relationship management and ticketing systems? Helen Dunnett suggests some steps to make the task easier.

Essential viewing

Woman using ticketing system on screen
06 Dec 2018

Venues need a better understanding of customer spending habits for purchases like pre-show meals and interval drinks. James McClure explains how a ticketing solution is providing a comprehensive view.

Three into one

Photo of street art, woman hoisted on seesaw
29 Nov 2018

Three cultural organisations in Wiltshire are now under one collective umbrella, giving them the opportunity to share data and cross-promote performances and offers, says Alice Young.

New life for Eastbourne’s oldest theatre

Photo of dancers on a stage
15 Nov 2018

Pulling a community venue back from the brink needs vision, commitment and cost-effective solutions for tackling commercial challenges. The Royal Hippodrome Theatre has harnessed all three, writes Claire Boot.

MPs hammer ticket resale industry

Photo of Ed Sheeran
07 Sep 2018

Politicians questioned major ticket resellers on their ability to distinguish genuine ticket buyers from ‘bots’ and why the industry seems plagued by low approval ratings.

Audience Agency opens up huge dataset

A reel of tickets
24 Aug 2018

“The largest set of aggregated data on cultural engagement anywhere in the world” is being made available for academic researchers.

Cultural visits continue to fall amid terrorism fears

The Great Court at the British Museum
17 Aug 2018

London galleries were hard hit last year, as school children admissions fell for the fourth consecutive year.

“Class gap” holds back young people from the arts, finds research

A man standing in front of a camera and microphone
10 Aug 2018

Two reports commissioned by Arts Council England found that cost and lack of confidence are major barriers to youth engagement.

Driving growth with the cloud

Photo of people on terrace overlooking river and park
28 Jun 2018

Since moving its box office system to the cloud, the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama has increased online sales and started taking online donations, says Paul McGuinness.

Segment your way to success

Photo of exterior of theatre at night
21 Jun 2018

The right approach to segmentation can drive sales and improve return on investment, as Tennessee Performing Arts Center in the US proved. David Reece and Timmy Metzner explain.

The added value of pop-up box offices

Photo of three people looking at ipad in supermarket
16 May 2018

Hull Truck Theatre’s pop-up box offices in local supermarkets sell tickets to new audiences and also create valuable community relationships. Magda Moses tells the story.

Ticket touts who use bots could face huge fines

Photo of Hamilton
27 Apr 2018

Under a planned new law, people who use automated software to bulk buy tickets and sell them on at above the retail price will face unlimited fines.

How airline pricing can help sales soar

Photo of aircraft in sky
19 Apr 2018

With dynamic pricing already common practice in other sectors, Isabella Anderson examines what the arts can learn from the airlines.


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