Online ABRSM music assessment reaches new milestone

13 Feb 2023

Over 500,000 music performance grades assessed by the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM) have been completed remotely since the board launched online examinations two and a half years ago.

The online music assessment, which was introduced during the pandemic to meet demand from music learners unable to take traditional face-to-face exams, is assessed entirely digitally via video recordings.

Since its launch, ABRSM examiners have assessed more than 8m minutes of videoed submissions performed on 42 different instruments, with Grade 5 piano being the most popular online exam.

Students from 82 countries have completed this method of music examination.

ABRSM’s Deputy Chief Executive Penny Milsom said while face-to-face exam bookings continue to “build strongly” following the pandemic, appetite for online music assessment remains.

“It is fantastic that teachers and learners are taking advantage of the choice now available between digital and face-to-face, and practical and performance grades,” she said.

“Many candidates benefit from recording their exam in familiar surroundings. We also know that these exams work well for adult learners who are either returning to exams or learning for the first time.”

When hearts beat together: Measuring immersion in live theatre

08 Feb 2023

Filmed theatre is still a relatively new medium - between film and live theatre. So how do we develop the visual language to take it to the next level? asks Mike Richardson.

Government backtracks on controversial copyright changes

02 Feb 2023

Plans to amend copyright law to allow artificial intelligence developers to exploit protected works without the permission of creators and rightsholders have been ditched by government.

During a debate in the House of Commons today Intellectual Property Minister George Freeman said he and DCMS Minister Julia Lopez felt that the proposals were not correct and that they would “not be proceeding" with them.

The changes of policy follows opposition to the proposals from the music industry.

“We are looking to stop them and to return to office to have a rather deeper conversation with the All Party Parliamentary Group who I met yesterday, with experts in both Houses and with the industry,” Freeman said.

Commenting on the announcement, Jamie Njoku-Goodwin, Chief Executive of UK Music, said: “UK Music warmly welcomes the minister’s decision to scrap plans for a catastrophic blanket copyright exception.

“The whole music industry has been united in its opposition to these proposals, which would have paved the way for music laundering and opened up our brilliant creators and rights holders to gross exploitation.

“We are delighted to see the back of a policy that risked irreparable damage to the global success story that is the UK music industry."

2023: A year for squeezing your digital assets

People in an office on computers and laptops. The office is surrounded by artworks placed on the walls. There is a large window in the background.
31 Jan 2023

In the fast-changing world of digital, people love to forecast. But rather than focus on the future, Katie Moffat thinks you should look at what you already have to squeeze the best from your most important digital asset: your website. 

Music project to make 50 years of recordings publicly available

31 Jan 2023

A new archive project will see thousands of music recordings dating back to 1973 digitised and made publicly available online.

The Royal Northern College of Music (RNCM) in Manchester will be delving into its vast archive of recordings for its Throwing Open the Concert Doors project.

The RNCM plans to conserve and digitise performances spanning a 50-year period, including everything from student recitals to full-scale opera productions.

As well as being available online, there are also plans to install a public listening booth at the college’s Oxford Road site.

Heather Roberts, RNCM Archivist, said: “The RNCM’s story is of great significance to Manchester’s cultural heritage, but it is ultimately a ‘hidden gem’ in terms of public awareness.”

She added that many of the older recordings are in danger of being lost due their deterioration over time.

“Due to the ravages of time, these [older recordings] are steadily and irreversibly degrading and, without conservation and digitations, will soon be lost forever.

Throwing Open the Concert Doors is supported by a £206,000 grant from the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

It will be delivered in partnership with Manchester Digital Music Archive – a volunteer-run online community archive – and Manchester Central Library’s Unlocking Our Sound Heritage initiative.

Music leaders call for rethink on BBC Introducing cuts

Florence + The Machine performing at a music concert
19 Jan 2023

Proposed shake-up of BBC radio programmes will see a reduction in music shows that have provided a platform for emerging artists such as Florence + The Machine, Ed Sheeran, Little Simz and Lewis Capaldi.

Government complacency 'jeopardising creative industries'

A seated woman using a VR headset
17 Jan 2023

Inquiry into the future of UK's creative industries calls for government to place sector at the heart of its growth agenda and fix 'incoherent' policies.

Banks blamed after venues experience secure payment issues

Exterior of a ticket office. A black and white building with three windows that have the word 'tickets' printed over
16 Jan 2023

Arts venues report failed payments after an updated online verification process was made mandatory, due to banks being unprepared to facilitate the switchover.

Digital impact in museums and galleries

Woman looking at screen
04 Jan 2023

How might museums be supported in developing a digital strategy? Mike Keating shares the findings of a new report to better understand the barriers museums face in their digital offer.

ACE awards funding for project exploring bisexuality

Poet Helen Bowell
21 Dec 2022

Series of events and workshops to be held across UK as part of project designed to develop creative practice of bi+ writers.

Museums receive £1.8m for 'experimental' engagement projects

Lipstick exhibit from Museum of Transology
21 Dec 2022

Latest round of Art Fund's 'Reimagine' grants programme goes to projects experimenting with new forms of audience engagement.

UK museum artworks to be shared through new data service

12 Dec 2022

A UK-wide Museum Data Service is to be established to pool records on millions of objects so they can be shared for research and public use.

The initiative, a three-way partnership between Art UK, Collections Trust and the University of Leicester is scheduled to launch in autumn 2023.

Art UK, which already brings more than 300,000 artworks, from 3,400 collections, to an online audience of more than 4.5 million people each year, said the new data service will allow it to scale up its operation adding millions more artworks over time.

The work, funded by Bloomberg Philanthropies, will also involve the creation of a new state-of-the-art e-commerce platform which it is hoped will support Art UK collection partners to substantially grow commercial income from their image assets.

Andrew Ellis, Director of Art UK, said: “The benefits to our audiences and participating collections will be significant in terms of the growth in artworks joining Art UK and the growth in commercial income. 

"But the real excitement here is to be working with Collections Trust and the University of Leicester on such a transformational initiative for the wider sector, one that will do so much to reduce silos and grow knowledge sharing”.

DCMS 'overstated' economic value of UNBOXED festival

Image of light installation projected onto a building
02 Dec 2022

Investigation of government's flagship UNBOXED festival finds it was given go-ahead despite an 'overstatement' of its value to the economy by DCMS, but broadly met its audience targets.

Taking the pain out of digital projects

Hand drawing a site map for a website
29 Nov 2022

Getting the go-ahead for a new digital project is exciting. Here Katie Moffat lays down the ground rules to ensure progress is smooth.

Competition watchdog rules out music streaming investigation 

28 Nov 2022

Despite concerns from music industry stakeholders, the UK's competition watchdog  has decided that a formal investigation would be unlikely to improve outcomes for listeners or creators.  

Peer-to-peer mentoring for digital

Woman sitting at a desk in front of a laptop
16 Nov 2022

Many organisations are feeling overwhelmed at the huge range of available digital opportunties. Rob Lindsay explores how mentoring can provide support to those in need of building digital confidence.

ACE hands audience data contract to consultancy firm PwC

10 Nov 2022

Arts Council England drops arts and culture research specialists The Audience Agency from sector support role, handing new contract for data insights to global consultancy firm PricewaterhouseCoopers.

How many arts administrators does it take to change a lightbulb?

09 Nov 2022

A recent article* from academic and musician Thomas Wolf makes a strident argument that arts organisations employ too many administrators. Ash Mann disagrees.

Filming bootcamp set for West Midlands

27 Oct 2022

Creatives in the West Midlands are being invited to apply for a free six-week programme aiming to develop the next generation of multi-camera talent.

The Filming Performance Bootcamp, a partnership between The Space, Solihull College and University Centre and part funded by the West Midlands Combined Authority, will give participants an overview of how live performances are captured for screen and how various art forms can be filmed for TV and online audiences.

Students will undertake a two-week workshop to learn filming, vision mixing and editing skills, alongside attending masterclasses with industry professionals and gaining hands-on training in capturing live performances and working with artists.

The latest programme, which follows a pilot in Birmingham earlier this year, will run for six weeks starting 30 January 2023.

Applications are open until 8 December to any creatives over 19 that live in the West Midlands, with no prior experience in filming or live capture required.

Skills body ScreenSkills is offering bursaries of up to £2,500 per participant to cover costs incurred while taking part in the course, including a loss of earning access or childcare needs.

CEO of The Space Fiona Morris said the increasing number of opportunities for artists and cultural organisations to present their work digitally is leading to an unprecedented demand for the skills required to film, mix and edit work.

“We’re delighted, therefore, to be working with our partners to provide such brilliant opportunities for trainees to gain hands-on experience and benefit from working with high-calibre creative professionals,” she added.

Mayor of the West Midlands Andy Street said the bootcamp will ensure participants are equipped with the sector-relevant skills that will mean they're well-placed to thrive in the months and years ahead: “I cannot wait to see lives changed for the better”.

Review to explore benefits of creative health initiatives

18 Oct 2022

A series of online roundtable discussions will be held over the coming year as part of a new Creative Health Review designed to highlight the potential for creative health to tackle pressing issues in health and social care.

The National Centre for Creative Health and the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Arts, Health and Wellbeing, which are holding the review jointly, hope the findings will aid policymakers in addressing problems including health inequalities and the additional challenges posed by the recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic.

The roundtables, which will be open to a public audience, will present “evidence and examples of the powerful influence creative health can have on our health and wellbeing, and how it can be used across key policy areas”.

The information shared will be compiled by 16 commissioners tasked with developing a set of recommendations designed to guide policymakers in informing and encouraging the development of a cross-governmental strategy on creative health.

Themes earmarked for exploration during the series of roundtables include mental health and wellbeing across the life course, health inequalities, social care, end-of-life care, education and training, cost-effectiveness, evidencing value for money and funding models, and leadership and strategy.


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