If Stephen Hawking was a musician…

03 Feb 2011

Doug Bott explains how one company is working to remove some of the obstacles that disabled people face when trying to participate in music

What next?

17 Jan 2011

The future of arts philanthropy? Patrick Hussey reckons it’s crowdfunding…

It could be you…

17 Jan 2011

New ideas and strategies will soon have to be drawn up for distributing what is likely to be a growing pool of post-Olympics arts Lottery money. Jeremy Newton considers the options

Let’s get viral

13 Dec 2010

Categorising and pitching interdisciplinary work is not easy, but can be hugely productive, says Tim Jones

Game on

22 Nov 2010

Videogaming has moved from teenage bedrooms to cultural spaces, says Tracey McGarrigan, but what can artists really learn from their computer consoles?

Arts in the digital mainstream

22 Nov 2010

Accessing the arts online is becoming the norm for cultural consumers, though arts organisations may struggle to come up with financially viable digital strategies

Alive and kicking

26 Aug 2010

Why should arts funders invest in experimentation? Hasan Bakhshi presents findings from NESTA’s new research

The march of the Twitterati

Twitter graphic
24 Aug 2009

Something fundamental is going on in the media world, says William Shaw. It’s big, scary, only half understood, and it’s going to change how the arts present themselves to the world.

Creating accessible websites

24 Mar 2008

Mark Atterbury offers advice on how best to reach disabled and deaf people online.

Mission, Models, Money - Innovation nation

computer code displayed on a colour screen
12 Mar 2007

Bridging the communication and research & development divide between cultural organisations and the technology sectors is becoming an imperative, says Hannah Rudman. She gives her take on the impact that mass innovation and mass creativity, enabled by technology, are having on the sector.

2020 Vision - Future marketing

dominos on a wooden surface with Facebook, Twitter and other social media logos instead of white dots
01 Jun 2006

In the second of our series looking at the arts world of the future, Alice Walton casts her mind forward to 2020 and asks how arts organisations will attract future audiences.

Online ticketing: a period of consolidation

Photo of paper ticket
19 Nov 2001

In July 1999, Coventry’s Belgrade Theatre became the first theatre in the UK to sell tickets online. Kate Cripps explores the bewildering range of ticketing opportunities offered by the Internet.


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