Issue 343: The art of placemaking

  • The art of placemaking

    Revoluton picture of people carrying cooured umbrellas in front of building with mural 'We stand up for Luton'
    08 Apr 2021

    Cultural organisations can play a key role in creating thriving places for people to live, work and visit, but only if they reach out to creative partners beyond the local ‘culture club’. Penny Mills, Anne Torreggiani and Patrick Towell explain how.

    ‘Place’ is the word of the moment. When we look at the work The Audience Agency is doing, there are few projects that ‘place’ is not integral to. But ‘placemaking’ or ‘place shaping’ is so much more. It is about the needs of communities, localities, neighbourhoods, city regions and combined authorities that are coming into starker focus as we look towards recovery and rebuilding post-pandemic.

    Whether the perspective is grassroots up (community driven or people-centred) or policy down... more

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