A report and directory have been published by West Midlands Arts following research into the links between Early Years groups, artists and arts organisations. The directory lists artists and arts organisations with experience of working with the 0-5 age group. For copies of the directory and executive summary of the report, contact Emma Quickfall at West Midlands Arts t: 0121 631 3121.
Art buying has risen for the fourth year in a row according to the latest figures from Northern Arts, which last year made loans totalling £414,974 through its Arts Purchase Plan, an increase of £51,000 on the previous year. t: 0191 255 8500
A new artist?s commission is to be created to celebrate the Arts Council of Wales? Year of the Artist initiative. Bedwyr Williams, a performance and digital media artist, will be visiting venues throughout the country in the role of an undercover detective, inspecting arts activities and gathering evidence which will be presented ?forensically? as photography, video and text. The exhibition ?Operation Ferrule? will be launched at the ACW?s stand at the National Eisteddfod and will then tour to venues across Wales.
The Independent Theatre Council in collaboration with the Theatrical Management Association is to present ?Kickstart? a one day event at the West Yorkshire Playhouse on June 21.The event aims to provide ideas, advice and networking to enhance professional development. t: 020 7403 1727 e: [email protected]
Two new reports about education work in the arts have been published by the National Foundation for Educational Research; ?Aims in Motion: Dance Companies and their Education Programmes? and ?Acting with Intent: Theatre Companies and their Education Programmes?. Summaries are available at w: http://www.nfer.ac.uk/research/project_summaries.asp
A series of free audience development seminars for jazz promoters and would-be promoters will be taking place across the UK throughout the summer. The seminars will build upon the issues raised at JazzDev?s 2000 conference. Contact Jonathan Abbott at the Jazz Development Trust. t: 020 8741 1752 e: [email protected]
Twelve projects aimed at preserving stories which have been handed down through generations and developing the oral tradition among children have received grants from the Scottish Arts Council. Information about storytellers and storytelling events, activities and training in Scotland is also now available from the Scottish Storytelling Centre at w: http://www.storytelling.co.uk
A new edition of the Arts Council of Wales? Code of Best Practice can be downloaded from w: http://www.ccc-acw.org.uk
Artifax will be demonstrating its newly launched ticketing system at free seminars during June in Cardiff, London, Manchester, Leicester, Belfast and Glasgow. Contact Steve Pugh t: 01372 810081 w: http://www.artifaxsoftware.com