A Public Art Handbook for Northern Ireland, which provides a guide to commissioning works of art for public spaces, has been published by the Arts Council of Northern Ireland (ACNI). It contains a brief history of public art in Northern Ireland, explains ACNI?s role in supporting these projects and offers practical advice on commissioning, routes for funding, best practice guidelines, and case studies of exemplary projects. The handbook can be downloaded from http://www.artscouncil-ni.org

A new publication, ?The Essential Trustee: What you need to know? has been published by the Charity Commission, providing new guidance on what is involved in being a charity trustee. w: http://www.charity-commission.gov.uk

Arts & Business has launched a new Arts Bursary scheme with the intention of reaching a broader Black and minority ethnic audience and making the organisation more relevant to disabled arts communities. The scheme, sponsored by The Principle Partnership, is enabling 15 organisations to access Arts & Business? fundraising advice, training seminars, networking events and specialist business advice free of charge.

An new online resource supporting audience development activity in the East Midlands will provide a range of resources, including case studies and toolkits, a directory of practitioners and service providers, and a news and events diary. w: http://www.auem.org.uk

Practitioners in the sciences and the arts will come together at a conference in September to explore the relationship between science and art and what artists and scientists can offer each other within a wider cultural environment. ?Rules of Engagement? is organised by Arts Council England, Yorkshire in partnership with CNAP, a bioscience research centre at the University of York. w: http://www.rulesofengagement.co.uk

A new publication by the National Foundation for Educational Research reports on a research project assessing the impact of artists working in educational settings through a programme of arts-based interventions organised within the Education Action Zones of Bristol and Corby. ?The arts-education interface: a mutual learning triangle?? discusses the project?s implications for practice and policy regarding artists in education.
w: http://www.nfer.ac.uk

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