Institute of Fundraising: Don’t refuse money on ethics alone

Photo of coins
04 May 2018

The membership body has collated and updated guidance on accepting and refusing donations, stressing the importance of adhering to a charity’s purpose as set out in its constitution.

Arts sector fears being too poor to refuse ‘unethical’ donations

Photo of protest at British Museum
27 Apr 2018

New research by AP reveals that few arts organisations have an ethical fundraising policy, although most think they are vulnerable to reputational damage.

How bad is bad?

Photo of protest at British Museum
25 Apr 2018

Are problems of ethics in danger of making the arts unfundable? Michelle Wright addresses some uncomfortable questions.

No room for neutrals

Photo of protestors outside Louvre in Paris
23 Apr 2018

Chris Garrard believes that no one should be neutral in the debate on ethical sponsorship.

Pulse report: Ethics in arts sponsorship

Ethics in arts sponsorship - Pulse
20 Apr 2018

Following protests of arts organisations’ decisions to accept money from controversial businesses, ArtsProfessional's latest survey reveals the sector’s perspective on ethics in fundraising. 

Whose ethics are they anyway?

Image of right-wrong direction sign
20 Apr 2018

At the heart of the debate about ethics in arts sponsorship and fundraising are questions about the moral obligation of the arts sector. Frances Richens reflects on the issues.

Survey to reveal views on ethics in arts sponsorship

Photo of front of gallery
27 Mar 2018

Following high-profile protests of deals between arts organisations and businesses with controversial track records, ArtsProfessional has launched its latest Pulse survey to examine policy and practice in the cultural sector. 

Arms dealer ends arts festival sponsorship following backlash

Photo of Sage Gateshead
09 Mar 2018

After a week of artist boycotts, public protest and ticket sale freezes, BAE Systems has announced it will redirect its support for the Great Exhibition of the North to other “better suited” initiatives.

Welsh arts leaders call for national arts advocacy campaign

Wales Millennium Centre
06 Oct 2017

A ‘brand Wales’ campaign would raise the profile of culture and help the sector raise more non-public funds, the Welsh Assembly has been told.

National Portrait Gallery receives formal complaint about BP ties

A photo of National Portrait Gallery
22 Jun 2017

Campaigners have argued the gallery’s sponsorship deal with the oil giant breaches its ‘Ethical Fundraising Policy’, which they obtained via freedom of information.

Museums across Europe targeted by oil protestors

Photo of protest at British Museum
16 May 2017

The British Museum confiscated items including bow ties and waistcoats from campaigners in London because it was “not aware of what the protestors intended to do with them”.

Beware the corporate sponsors

Photo of skyscrapers and blue sky
14 Mar 2017

Can corporate sponsorship have a negative effect on a cultural organisation’s artistic value? Yuliya Shymko and Thomas Roulet share what they have learned studying the Russian theatre sector.

British Museum breached ethics code, claim protesters

05 Oct 2016

Anti-oil campaigners are calling for the Museum’s sponsorship deal with BP to be reviewed following revelations that trustees weren’t involved in the decision to renew the relationship.

BP extends sponsorship with leading cultural institutions

Photo of courtyard in the British Museum
29 Jul 2016

Campaigners warn that “art interventions and protests will go on” as a five-year deal worth £7.5m is announced.

BP exploits cultural sponsorship for influence, report claims

Art Not Oil
06 May 2016

Anonymous interviews and emails obtained under Freedom of Information suggest the oil giant has some control over the creative output of the cultural organisations it sponsors.

A broad funding base

Outdoor performance
14 Apr 2016

Over £400k has to be raised every year to stage the Ageas Salisbury International Arts Festival. How do they do it? Toby Smith outlines his strategy.

Unauthorised arts and climate festival planned in Tate Modern

Platform London campaign
27 Nov 2015

A year before Tate is due to renew its sponsorship with BP, Platform London is curating a free, completely unauthorised festival inside Tate Modern.

Lighting up London

Photo of Durham Lumiere 2015
18 Nov 2015

Artichoke’s Lumiere light festival is hugely reliant on sponsorship. As it prepares to come to London for the first time, Sarah Coop describes the unique challenge of securing support in a new city. 

Heads up for match funding

Photo of Sound of the Sea concert
26 Oct 2015

Match funding has received some bad press recently, but Carl Watt has seen it work wonders at encouraging business sponsorship of the arts in Scotland. 

Knocking with intent

Photo of a networking event
01 Sep 2015

Want to attract support from local businesses? First you’ve got to learn to talk the talk, advises Jon Flinn


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