Ireland launches Basic Income for the Arts

06 Apr 2022

Up to 2,000 artists will be supported for three years, reflecting a sea change in how arts workers are valued.

Research project seeks arts workers' 'most pressing concerns'

22 Mar 2022

A new research project aims to "build consensus around the most pressing priorities for promoting quality work" in the creative sector.

The Creative Industries Policy and Evidence Centre has launched a six-week-long call for evidence, seeking experiences of working in the sector that can form the basis of a sector-wide good work strategy.

The researchers are especially interested to hear from membership organisations that represent large groups, though individual contributions are welcome.

The centre's Director, Hasan Bakhshi, said both labour reforms and sectoral strategies may be needed to address the precarity of arts and cultural work.

Submissions can be made by emailing

Historic legal proceedings against art dealer

21 Mar 2022

Artists' representatives seeking transparency over unpaid resale royalties have commenced historic legal proceedings against multi-millionaire art dealer Ivor Braka.

The Artists’ Collecting Society (ACS) and the Design and Artists' Copyright Society (DACS) say they began making requests to Braka for information in 2006, with Braka reportedly refusing to respond.

The case is the first of their kind brought under the Artist’s Resale Right Regulations in the UK.

The regulations entitle artists to a royalty payment of up to €12,500 on the secondary sale of their works by dealers and associated art market professionals.

“The Artist’s Resale Right, now more than ever, provides invaluable financial support to artists and their estates, so it is imperative that we shine a light on those who are cutting off this essential source of income,” ACS Managing Director Harriet Bridgeman said.

£4m funding opportunity for museums and galleries

17 Mar 2022

Museums and galleries in England are encouraged to apply to the DCMS/Wolfson Fund, opening May 9.

The partners have each contributed £2m to the fund on its 20th anniversary.

Grants are available to up to 370 eligible institutions who want to enhance display and interpretation or otherwise improve access to collections.

Arts Minister Stephen Parkinson called the scheme "a brilliant example of what can be achieved when public funding and private philanthropy come together".

Lottery favourite promises more money for the arts

16 Mar 2022

A new National Lottery operator could mean an extra £439m but details of the deal are shrouded in secrecy.

Artists’ precarity is not just about pay

15 Mar 2022

In the pandemic, government and ACE built a defensive hedge around the most visible aspects of the arts infrastructure. Susan Jones thinks it’s time to dismantle it.

Arts sector battles a 'great resignation'

10 Feb 2022

Ongoing insecurity seems to be driving an increase in fixed term contracts, as staff demand more pay and flexibility.

Persistent gender pay gap in UK auction houses

03 Feb 2022

There has been little change to gender pay gaps at UK auction houses since 2018.

Reporting by the Art Newspaper has revealed worsening pay gaps at Bonhams, Christie's and Sotheby's. 

Women at Bonhams earn an average of 48p for every £1 their male colleagues receive. A company spokesperson said furlough skewed its figures for 2020 - just 16 staff were on full salary the day they were recorded.

The pay gap at Christie's is 25.6% compared to 25% four years earlier. The firm says most of its global workforce is female, including several new senior hires.

Sotheby's pay gap is now 24.9%; it was 22.2% in 2017/18. It expects new "family friendly policies" to make a difference soon.

Official probe into music streaming market

27 Jan 2022

The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) will investigate the streaming market "from creator to consumer" following a year-long inquiry by MPs.

The office will consider whether the dominance of major labels is stifling competition or affording any players "excessive power".

While it could be a significant step forward for music creators seeking fair payment, progress remains slow - the DCMS Committee's inquiry and an investigation by the Intellectual Property Office have turned up more evidence but no answers.

The CMA is inviting comments on a study of the market until February 17, with an eye to publishing its findings early next year.

Fragile livelihoods

11 Jan 2022

A collective of dance freelancers has initiated a critical response to the fragile nature of their livelihoods. Anna Alvarez and Alister O’Loughlin say they are aiming for long term change.

More artists are earning money from streaming

05 Jan 2022

More UK music artists earned "meaningful royalties" from streaming in 2021, the BPI reports.

UK music was streamed 147 billion times last year - a 5.7% increase on 2020.

About 1,900 artists were streamed more than 10 million times in the UK, meaning they could potentially earn a living from streaming alone. This group has grown by a quarter in just two years, according to the BPI.

Its figures indicate streaming now accounts for 83% of UK music consumption, though physical formats' popularity remains: a decline in CD sales has slowed and vinyl sales are the highest they've been in 30 years.

Today, an artist will generate the same revenue from 10 million streams as 10,000 CD sales. BPI estimates twice as many artists are earning significant sums compared to when CD sales were at their height.

"Success today is gauged in the multi-millions, sometimes billions, of streams," CEO Geoff Taylor said.

"This year’s growth shows there is a huge appetite for music and we believe that by working together we can increase the value of the whole music market, so that streaming can support even more artists in the future."


One in eight arts workers get no sick pay

08 Dec 2021

73,000 arts and entertainment workers do not quality for statutory sick pay, according to trade union body TUC.

The figure amounts to one in eight sector workers, or 12% of the workforce.

TUC warns that tougher self-isolation rules introduced in light of the Omicron variant could leave these workers without income over the Christmas period.

“Our sick pay system is broken. No one should be left to choose between doing the right thing or putting food on the table," TUC General Secretary Francis O'Grady said.

The UK has the least generous statutory sick pay in Europe, the union says, worth £96.35 per week and only available to employees earning more than £120 per week.

The Government previously introduced a temporary scheme to assist people who face hardship if required to self-isolate, but TUC analysis found 64% of applications were rejected.

First ever employment deal for video game voice actors

06 Dec 2021

A landmark deal on working conditions for voice actors working on video games has been agreed.

Voice studio OMUK will give Equity members details of the game prior to or at the time of audition and disclose whether an accent is required, among other information. 

Minimum fees will be set according to the production's budget. Games with a budget under £500,000 must pay at least £175 per hour, increasing to a minimum £300 for games with a budget of £5m or more. 

OMUK Managing Director Mark Estdale says the deal brings the industry in line with existing TV, stage and film agreements.

"Without taking this step, the games industry would remain the wild west of media even though it's now probably the biggest employer of talent."

Ireland to pilot basic income scheme for artists

man painting
11 Nov 2021

None of the four UK nations plan to replicate the three-year initiative, though pressure is building.

Survey highlights financial barriers to creative career development

01 Nov 2021

Creative Access says survey findings confirm money issues "exclude those from under-represented communities from progressing in the creative industries”.

CMA to assess music streaming market

20 Oct 2021

The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is launching a study into the UK’s music streaming market.

The watchdog will probe the dominance of major record labels and music streaming platforms including Spotify to assess whether artists are getting a fair deal.

Streaming now accounts for more than four-fifths of UK music consumption, according to the BPI.

CMA's annoucement follows its ongoing investigation into Sony Music’s recent merger, which raised concerns of a “a substantial lessening of competition”, and a DCMS Committee inquiry into streaming's effect on artists.

The decision was welcomed by Committee Chair Julian Knight, who has previously supported calls for an official investigation.

“Our investigation exposed fundamental problems within the structure of the music industry itself. This action marks a key step forward.”

UK languishes on 'best country for creativity' list

18 Oct 2021

A new survey reviewing how financially advantaged creatives are in different countries has placed the UK near the bottom of the list.

The study considered what four creative occupations - a graphic designer, web developer, architect and photographer - take home each month on average after subtracting the cost of rent in 20 countries.

The UK placed 19th, with 44.8% of monthly wages left after deductions.

Germany was the best country for creative professionals, topping the list with 61.8% of a monthly wage left after rent costs. Sweden and Denmark placed second and third.

A spokeperson for Design Bundles, which conducted the survey, said it was interesting to see how the UK fared: "Although they pay reasonable salaries in comparison, the difference in the percentage of pocketable wage is significant."

Female performing arts graduates earn more after five years

05 Oct 2021

Female performing arts graduates' earnings outstrip their male counterparts' after five years.

The average salary for a female performing arts graduate is £21,900, rising from £14,200 in the first year after finishing their studies.

Whilst men earning more in the initial stage of their careers with an average salary of £14,300 in their first year, women earn more on average three years in - £18,300 compared to £17,500.

The opposite is true of creative arts and design graduates: females earn less than males from the get go - £16,400 on average compared to £16,800 in their first year working.

The gap grows with time, with men earning £23,400 on average after five years, £1,900 more than female creative arts graduates.

Creative arts, where 60% of graduates are women, provides the lowest financial returns of any course of study, analysis by the Institute of Fiscal Studies (IFS) shows.

Xiaowei Xu, a Senior Research Economist at IFS, said women disproportionately chose subject with lower-paying career options.

"Of course, money isn’t – and shouldn’t be – the only factor when it comes to choosing what to study. But more needs to be done to inform young people about the financial consequences of degree choices, and to overcome gender stereotypes, so that women are not locked out of high-paying careers by choices at a young age.”



Curatorial scheme to tackle social mobility in visual arts

Weston Jerwood Creative Bursaries participants
04 Oct 2021

The pilot programme will “challenge accepted barriers” in one of the sector’s least inclusive professions.

Only 720 UK artists make a living from music streaming

30 Sep 2021

A long-awaited report into music creators' earnings estimates they receive a fifth of a penny per stream, but avoids wading into the debate about whether that's fair.


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