
My top five… websites

Arts Professional
2 min read

Nick Stockman lists his pick of the portals.


Our website is now at a very nice point. There is a good user experience, with everything thoughtfully set out and presented in an eye-catching way. Web agency NVisage has combined functionality with style to create an informative resource on a tight budget. It is immensely effective as a marketing tool and the flexibility of the content-management system allows me to create and react to current events. The design interlocks with our vibrant and fun branding. The ticket-selling function works seamlessly (18% of sales are online) and feedback has been tremendous.


I was very keen to start a merchandising operation but did not have the seed money. This website enables you to upload designs on to products, incorporate them into a web page linking from our host site and takes payments from customers. Very little investment is needed to set up the online shop and the products are high quality. All in all, a very positive way of setting up a first-phase merchandising operation.


I usually visit Highbury online at least once a day. Its great compared with other football club sites and uses space better than almost any site of which Im aware. As a marketing tool it is second to none. Plus I get an email from the manager after every game and there are always great new photos and news.


Its boring, but an online bank account is so time saving compared with all the time spent queuing in banks. Now that I have wi-fi broadband at home, checking, transferring and all the other machinations of seeing money go in and straight out of my account are a lot easier.


Not a website as such, but as a browser it knocks spots off Explorer. It doesnt crash and has a funkier logo!