
Letters – Trial… and error?

Arts Professional
2 min read

From Ivor Hosgood, Chairman-Secretary, The Norfolk Youth Music Trust
I was very interested to read your news item entitled Youth Windfall (AP issue 118, 27 March, p3) as I suggested a similar discount card scheme to the then Arts Officer of Norwich City Council many years ago, when Norfolk Youth Music Trust was the concert-promoting organisation, Music at Saint Georges. My idea was to involve all the arts organisations in the city who wished to participate in offering discounted admission prices, extending the scheme to adults as well as young people. However, this Arts Officer declined to back a pilot scheme as he believed it would involve him in extra work, even though Music at Saint Georges had offered to administer it! I was sorry to note that Norwich has not been included in this fresh initiative, but hope the outcome in those areas selected can be published in ArtsProfessional in due course.

On another tack, and on the same page, I do not believe that reports of same-sex weddings are appropriate to this journal. There are long-time readers who find such weddings not only un-natural (against nature) but also offensive to their own beliefs. I have no doubt that there is plenty of other activity amongst those involved in the arts countrywide for publication.