
?Celebrating Swindon?

Arts Professional
1 min read

Artists Simon Grennan and Christopher Sperandio have been engaged as resident artists to develop a major two-year public art project in Swindon.
‘Celebrating Swindon? has been commissioned by ASDA Wal-Mart, the first major food retailer to have artists in residence. The company has worked with the Artscape team at Swindon Borough Council, which is responsible for delivering the Council?s Percent for Art scheme. Managed by region?s public art commissioning agency Artpoint, the project aims to strengthen community interaction in the area, which is currently undergoing widespread commercial and residential development. In the first strand of the project a billboard at the store, a double decker bus and billboards along bus routes from the town centre to the store will all carry Grennan & Sperandio cartoon-style portraits of local residents.