
News – Board moves to end Métier uncertainty

Arts Professional
1 min read

Following the Government?s move towards establishing Sector Skills Councils (SSCs) in the place of existing National Training Organisations (NTOs), the future of Métier, currently the NTO for the arts, has faced considerable uncertainty.
Announcing a consultation process in which theatre sector employers will host a meeting to examine possible future developments, Métier chief executive Duncan Sones said ?I am aware that there are people in the sector who would rather start the SSC with a clean slate?.

Métier?s Board has approved a business plan to safeguard the organisation?s future as a research and development agency and as a broker to bring funds to arts organisations working in partnership. They intend to continue their roles in continuing professional development and ICT. Current projects include delivering new digital content for sector websites and an EQUAL-funded project involving 40 organisations developing positive action initiatives in equal opportunities. Métier continues its role as NTO until September. Sones said: ?Métier will play whatever role is appropriate in the new arrangements?. The industry awaits further moves by the ITC, SOLT and TMA in responding to recent developments.