Good Reads

A futurist’s take on the arts

Baffled by new technology? Using digital innovations to improve audience experience is easier than you think, says futurist Ben Hammersley.

Frances Richens
1 min read

It’s easy to break out the toys. Asked to write about the possibilities that technology gives the arts, I could be forgiven for pimping out my favourite new thing. 3D printers! Drones! Lasers! Artificial Intelligences! Something on Facebook!

But I’d be wrong to do that. Instead, I’ve grown to learn that the greatest innovations are not always with the new ways to tell stories, or the new ways to make a noise. Instead, the truly revolutionary are often somewhat banal. They’re the innovation that disappears as soon as it happens, that arrives and makes us immediately forget what it was like to live without it. Not showy, but subtle and just-so… Keep reading on Native