
News – Arts innovation in the spotlight

Arts Professional
1 min read

New research projects exploring the role of the arts and creative industries in stimulating innovation have been given the green light with the confirmation of a £200,000 grant fund from NESTA, the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts.
Researchers have until 5 February to put forward proposals for studies that will explore the way in which idea generation in the arts and creative industries impacts on the development of a knowledge economy. NESTA will also consider research proposals to reveal how collaboration between the arts and other disciplines can foster innovation, and how innovation actually occurs in the arts, identifying how new ideas develop and find their way into the mainstream. The findings will be used to help shape NESTAs interventions in the arts and creative industries, to support the creative economy and innovation in these sectors, and to demonstrate the broader economic and social impact of these interventions to government and beyond.

w: policy_and_research/getting_involved.aspx