
News – Musical youth

Arts Professional
1 min read

A long-term strategy for youth music in Scotland has been launched by the Scottish Arts Council and the Scottish Executive, laying out a vision that places participation in music-making at its core. The National Youth Music Strategy 2006-2008 sets out an action plan for developing a sustainable infrastructure and common understanding between Scotlands different music providers.
The key principles underpinning the strategy are that all children and young people in Scotland should be able to experience music-making that is relevant to their own musical preferences and have access to high quality musical resources to enable them to develop their music-making to whatever level they aspire. The strategy embraces music-making from early years through all levels of formal education, as well as in community contexts where young people work without adult supervision. Plans are outlined for widening, sustaining, organising and promoting participation in music, and £20m has been allocated by the Scottish Executive to enable initiatives to be developed and sustained.