Doncaster heritage sites set for £560k refurb

22 Mar 2022

Doncaster Council plans to invest £560,000 in improving heritage sites across the borough.

£450,000 is earmarked to turn Doncaster’s former Museum and Art Gallery into a multi-use space for heritage events and archive facilities.

Works to restore Doncaster Grand Theatre and the city’s St James Church are also planned.

Funds are available through the Doncaster Towns Deal Heritage project. More than £2m of match funding has been raised to support the renovation projects.

Doncaster Council Senior Projects Manager Neil Armstrong says it is an exciting opportunity to revitalise key heritage assets.

“[It] will lead to significant transformation, which should be embraced.”

Unsuccessful City of Culture teams 'not disappointed'

21 Mar 2022

The legacy of the competition goes beyond the title, those who missed out say.

Local government culture commission launches

17 Mar 2022

An independent committee wants to give a "wake up call" to central government and make the case for council-led culture funding. 

Newcastle and Gateshead venues call for public's return

14 Mar 2022

Ten venues in Newcastle and Gateshead have launched a campaign to encourage the public's return this spring.

Some local venues, including the Tyne & Wear Museums' Newcastle sites, have lost more than half their pre-pandemic visitors: "By joining forces in this way, we want to highlight the strength of the cultural sector in Newcastle and Gateshead, and what it offers," Director Keith Merrin said.

'Make Your Moment', a joint advertising campaign with Newcastle and Gateshead Councils, will appear on the metro and bus shelters, and it is hoped a series of exhibitions and events will kickstart the sector's recovery..

The partnership is emphasising the ability to enjoy culture safely.

“Now that these venues have reopened and restrictions have been lifted, and with the necessary safety measures in place, we can all once again make the most of our city’s rich history, take in amazing performances and exhibitions, and experience more of what Newcastle and the wider region has to offer," Newcastle Councillor John-Paul Stephenson said.

“We can still take precautions... but we can do this while supporting our brilliant cultural sector.”

£48.1m for cultural institutions to lead regeneration

14 Mar 2022

The North East of England is the big winner of the resurrected programme, with London receiving less than 4% of the pot.

Reimagining theatre

09 Mar 2022

John McGrath shares his vision for a radical, new, ultra-flexible space that he hopes will be a significant addition to the cultural landscape.

Call for second option on cultural heart plan

08 Mar 2022

Kirklees Council is being urged to put a proposed second option for its town centre cultural development out for public consultation.

Think Tank Same Skies recently argued that a temporary scheme that offered free rents of empty shops to local arts groups should be extended. The piazza is to be demolished as part of the £210m 'cultural heart' plan.

It says the council should put its idea to the public: "Why not explore both options side by side?"

Architects have just released mock-ups of the council's plans for the area, which include a 2,200 seat concert hall.


Concern over Suffolk museum name change

07 Mar 2022

Residents local to a museum in Suffolk say changing its name may lead to a loss of local heritage.

Stowmarket’s Museum of East Anglian Life is rebranding to the Food Museum. 

Matthew Attwood, creator of a petition against the rebrand that received over 1,000 signatures online, says changing the name and ethos of the museum would mean the loss of the only local institution dedicated to its culture, heritage and history.

The museum has defended its decision, saying the change reflects a consultation that found most of its collections related to food, and that many people were unsure what the museum offered.

A spokesperson said preserving local heritage remains a “real priority”.

“We’re changing our name but keeping our collections which do tell the story of food and farming in East Anglia. We’re just trying to make it more appealing to bring more people in, that’s the key.”

Time to ditch the word ‘theatre’?

Hertford Theatre
03 Mar 2022

Theatres have always been spaces to be heard in. That’s why we have an auditorium and an audience. Rhys Thomas unpicks their purpose in the 21st century.

£12m ACE business innovation programme delayed

01 Mar 2022

An Arts Council England (ACE) business innovation programme has been delayed without a new start date.

The Reset and Innovation Programme, assigned £12m and originally planned for January, is part of the funder's three-year delivery plan for the Let's Create strategy.

The initiative will support organisations to apply ACE's investment principles and pursue innovations that build their long-term sustainability, including new partnerships and business models or company mergers.

An ACE spokesperson attributed the delay to "knock on" effects arising from its efforts to support the sector throughout the pandemic.

“Plans are still being finalised. We aim to share information in the coming months.”

ACE instructed to address funding imbalance

women looks at art in gallery
24 Feb 2022

The funder is to redirect funding away from London-based organisations as outlined in the latest addendum to its guidance for applicants.

£210m Cultural Heart plan 'commonplace and risky'

21 Feb 2022

A shopping precinct turned arts centre due for demolition should instead be a model for other town centres, a think tank argues.

Manchester Museum reopening delayed

21 Feb 2022

Manchester Museum's reopening has been delayed due to "the challenges of the pandemic".

Initially slated for the end of 2022, delays in the construction supply chain mean the institution now plans to reopen to the public in February 2023 following an "ambitious and complex" £15m transformation project.

The building will be 25% larger once construction completes, and include four new galleries: a South Asia gallery, the Lee Kai Hung Chinese Culture Gallery, a "Belonging Gallery" and an exhibition hall hosting Egyptian mummies.

The South Asia gallery will be the first of its kind in the UK, created in partnership with the British Museum.

"Our team and partners have never lost faith in our vision for a reimagined Manchester Museum that is more caring, inclusive and imaginative," Director Esme Ward said.

Inverness opens £6m artists' residence

15 Feb 2022

A £6m arts facility in Inverness has opened to its first residents.

Sited in a former Victorian school, construction on The Inverness Creative Academy took four years.

Project developers say the space features affordable accommodation for up to 44 artists and 54 workspaces for creative businesses, social enterprises and charities.

A public space at the venue is expected to be completed later this month.

The project was managed by Wasps, a national provider of creative workspaces across Scotland.

Culture offers 'clear opportunities' to reinvent high streets

10 Feb 2022

ACE says there is "more to be done on both sides" to bolster culture's role in town centres.

Museum of London prepares for relocation

10 Feb 2022

The Museum of London’s main site is closing at the end of year as it prepares for relocation.

The museum is moving to West Smithfield’s General Market, within the city’s Culture Mile, where it will occupy market buildings that have been empty for more than 30 years.

Its reopening in 2025 will be marked with a festival and a rebrand to The London Museum.

The Museum of London Docklands will remain open throughout but will undergo a name change to become The London Museum Docklands next January.

Museum of London Director Sharon Ament said the venue will become “more than a museum”.

“It will be a new civic space for millions of visitors to enjoy, 24 hours a day… It will bring a new economy and foster a new relationship between people and the place in which they live, work or are visiting.”

£12m expansion at Bristol-based studios

07 Feb 2022

Work is under way on a £12m expansion of Bristol TV and film studios The Bottle Yard.

Three new stages will be added to the existing eight studios in works due to be completed in summer.

A further £1.6m, received from Bristol City Council, will ensure The Bottle Yard’s current facilities are sufficient to meet its 10-year business plan.

Bristol Mayor Marvin Rees says the investment will create jobs, skills and training opportunities.

“It will be a major boost to our wider regeneration plans for South Bristol, bringing growth and opportunity to the area”.

Levelling Up White Paper targets cultural engagement outside London

02 Feb 2022

Arts Council England will spend 100% of its budget uplift in the regions as Government commits to "significantly increasing" cultural spending outside the capital.

Legal failings over concert hall upgrade cost £67.5m

27 Jan 2022

Croydon Council has been forced to foot the bill for its bungled venture after staff ignored astonishing budget overruns.

UK's oldest cinema reopens with new management

20 Jan 2022

The UK's oldest working cinema has reopened under new management.

The Electric in Birmingham, closed for nearly two years due to Covid-19, has been taken over by Kevin Markwick, operator of the Picture House Cinema in Uckfield, East Sussex.

"Can’t pretend there isn’t much to do, but I’m excited and want to make The Electric the go to place in Birmingham for film lovers," he tweeted.

The Electric showed its first film in 1909.

It became an adult movie theatre in the 70s before showing mainstream and art house films.


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