A new directory and CD ROM, ?Promoting Diversity?, has been produced by Arts Council England to provide a reference guide to culturally diverse theatre for UK and international promoters. For a copy, contact Colin Beesting
e: [email protected]; w: http://www.decibel-db.org

The Jerwood Space, which provides low-cost rehearsal spaces for dance and theatre companies to develop their work in London, has opened ?The Glasshouse?, a glazed extension to its Courtyard which will be used year-round for dining and events. w: http://www.jerwoodspace.co.uk

HI-Arts, the Inverness-based arts development agency, has become Scottish Champion in the Public Sector category of the Broadband Britain Challenge Awards in recognition of its new Arts Journal website and its online services. w: http://www.hi-arts.co.uk

The Department of Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) has published a guide to arts funding in England. Covering Government funding bodies as well as National Lottery grant distributors, sponsorship companies, trusts and foundations and international funds, the guide aims to help artists and arts organisations navigate their way around the arts funding system. w: http://www.culture.gov.uk

The Guildford Civic is to close in January next year to make way for a new entertainment facility which will form part of a re-development of the four-acre town centre site. The new venue will have a 1,200-seat capacity and have the flexibility to host a range of different forms of live entertainment.

Artists and arts organisations living or working in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea and the London Borough of Brent are invited to register to be included on a website containing a database of local arts providers, news about events and training, and links to funding organisations and support groups. t: 020 7361 2820; e: [email protected]

As part of a project commissioned by The Cambridgeshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust, Escape Artists would like to hear from artists or arts organisations working in a mental health context in the Cambridgeshire region, in order to map regional activity. e: [email protected]

A new awards programme to support creative collaborations between foreign composers and music creators, and UK-based organisations and individuals, has been launched by Visiting Arts and the PRS Foundation. e: [email protected]

A report outlining the discussions which took place as part of Rural Retreats, Ballet into the 21st Century has been published by DanceEast. 25 artistic directors from a range of companies met for three days in January 2003 to discuss key issues facing ballet and identify action points for the future. w: http://www.danceeast.co.uk

New guidelines to improve access for disabled people and to help organisations meet the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act have been published by Resource: The Council for Museums, Archives and Libraries. The first four Topic Guides cover Disability in Context, Meeting Disabled People, Training for Equality and Audits. t: 020 7273 1445;
w: http://www.resource.gov.uk/information/publications/00pubs.asp

A book and CD-ROM featuring work by the recipients of the first Scottish Arts Council (SAC) Creative Scotland Awards in 2000 has been published by SAC. Applications for next year?s Awards should be submitted by October 24. Ten awards of £30,000 each will be announced in March 2004.
w: http://www.scottisharts.org.uk

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