Applications are now being invited for a new award from NESTA, the National Endowment for Science, Technology. ?Dream Time? awards are designed to give individuals with outstanding track records the time and support they need to develop their creative ideas. 12 awards of up to £40,000 are available for periods of time up to one year. w:

An online touring directory has been created by the Scottish Arts Council, providing information about professional dance and drama companies touring in Scotland and the networks of promoters and venues. The directory can be updated by touring companies and promoters themselves. w:

Film Festival directors and arts centres in the West Midlands are being invited to apply for audience development money from Screen West Midlands, which has recently secured nearly half a million pounds from Film Council Lottery investment funds. Contact Steve Chapman t: 0121 766 1470; w:

Rhubarb-Rhubarb, an international festival of the image, is to take place in Birmingham from July 24-27. Aimed at photographers and image-makers, the event revolves around exhibitions, seminars, a print auction and the Portfolio Review Event, where creatives can meet publishers, gallery directors, curators, picture editors and agents for advice on promoting and selling work. w:

Freelance theatre or arts practitioners working in the South West are being invited to join a new Freelancer?s Forum. For details contact Jo Clarke at Salisbury Playhouse e: [email protected]

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