Scotland’s galleries pull together

09 Apr 2012

A National Development Body will lead on the development and facilitation of new partnerships between museums and galleries in Scotland

Strength in numbers

06 Feb 2012

Scotland has more in common with Philadelphia than we might think. Pamela Bailey shares the fruits of US-style collaboration

Smoke and mirrors

10 Oct 2011

The Scottish Government’s Spending Review and Draft Budget for 2012/13 contains some difficult news for the arts, both directly and indirectly. Anne Bonnar delves into the detail

Culture funding survives the worst of Scotland’s budget cuts

19 Sep 2011

Standstill funding faces Scotland’s National Performing Companies for the year ahead

Government confirms its cash pledge to Glasgow arts venues

19 Sep 2011

RSNO and Scottish Opera will benefit from an £11m investment in their performance venues

What next for Scottish arts?

03 May 2011

Anne Bonnar looks at what each of the main parties is promising for Scotland’s arts after the election

SNP looks for private funding for culture

03 May 2011

Scotland’s new culture initiatives will depend on commercial and philanthropic support

Incorporating new protection for charities

11 Apr 2011

Peter Shand says the regulatory uplift for Scottish charities has come just in time for ‘The Big Society’

Scotland aims high

21 Mar 2011

Creative Scotland reveals its 2020 vision for the arts sector


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