School blames financial position for arts cuts

Drayton Park Primary School
04 Jul 2024

Having spent £500,000 on a purpose-built art block a decade ago, London school ceases contract of 'inspirational' art teacher as part of efforts to address financial problems.

Welsh vocational qualifications are meeting needs, report says

02 Jul 2024

Post-16 vocational qualifications in art, creative and media subjects are meeting the needs of learners, according to findings from Qualifications Wales.

The review, part of a national programme across a range of employment sectors, includes qualifications in performing arts, media and communication, crafts, creative arts and design, and publishing and information.

Together these sectors employ 34,900 people in Wales with an annual turnover of £1.7bn.

While the report findings suggest that art, creative and media subject qualifications – which are available in English and Welsh – are meeting the needs of learners, it also identified areas that should be improved.

These include: that some qualifications need additional content; that creative apprenticeship frameworks should be reviewed as some no longer included funded qualifications; and that there is demand for one framework qualification to be made available in Welsh.

Gareth Downey, Senior Qualifications Manager at Qualifications Wales, said: "Our review findings show there are a number of strengths to the current range of qualifications, but that some areas require attention.

"We have been working with awarding bodies and other stakeholders to address the issues identified.

"This includes recommending that the Welsh Government review the apprenticeship frameworks in the sector and that awarding bodies update the content of some qualifications, alongside increasing the number of Welsh-medium qualifications available to learners.”


Orchestral music as an agent for change

Young people playing classical music instruments
30 Jun 2024

In a radical reimagining of the classical music paradigm, Sarah Alexander shares the National Youth Orchestra’s model for engaging young people.

Teachers are vital to unlocking cultural experiences

Woman and child working together modelling some clay
26 Jun 2024

Whoever forms the next government, Art Fund will be lobbying it for greater access to museums for disadvantaged children through the school curriculum, as Catherine Monks explains.

LIPA staff plan strike over health and safety issues

25 Jun 2024

The National Education Union says more than 90% of its members at the Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts sixth form college, high school and primary school are in favour of strike action.

Uncomfortable truths

Set of 8 children's illustrations of young people
19 Jun 2024

Arts organisations are committed to reaching marginalised young people through their creative practice. But what happens when young people say things we don’t want to hear? asks Louise Govier.  

Birmingham: 'An extraordinary jewel of a city'

Image of people dancing
17 Jun 2024

In the latest in our series on the arts in education, Steve Ball shares an initiative which connects schools and arts organisations across the city of Birmingham.

Teacher professionalism and the arts

Schoolchildren playing musical instruments
12 Jun 2024

Regardless of the setting, every school deserves a teacher who is afforded the space and professional trust to teach an inspiring arts curriculum, writes Steven Berryman.

Liverpool Philharmonic extends health programme

11 Jun 2024

Alder Hey Children's Hospital is the sixth NHS organisation to become part of Liverpool Philharmonic's Music and Health programme.

The initiative, funded by Alder Hey Children’s Charity, aims to improve the health and well-being of children, young people, their families, carers and staff across the hospital through weekly music-making sessions.

The programme, now in its 15th year, is one of the longest-running and largest arts and health programmes in the UK. 

Michael Eakin, Chief Executive of Liverpool Philharmonic, said: “We are delighted to welcome Alder Hey to our Music and Health programme and are grateful for their commitment to this new partnership. 

"We now work with six NHS organisations in the Liverpool City Region, being able to expand our support to children and young people is very important to us. 

"This programme has demonstrated the long-term positive impact music and creativity has on improving the physical and mental health outcomes of patients and participants and we’re excited to continue to grow the programme and support more people in the region and beyond”.

Fiona Ashcroft, Chief Executive of Alder Hey Children’s Charity said: “Music and the arts are a huge part of what we do at Alder Hey to help our children and young people recover. 

"The charity has funded Arts for Health projects across the hospital totalling £354,524 this year alone and we’re delighted to be able to now partner with such a prestigious organisation as Liverpool Philharmonic.”

Theatre rails against 'clickbait' general election policies

A production image from Zest showing young people holding knotted string
10 Jun 2024

Theatre company Zest is launching a pop-up youth club to address a lack of creative spaces for young people following "13 years of cuts to children’s services".

Government must ensure children’s right to theatre

Actor on a thrust stage performing to young people
10 Jun 2024

Directors of Education and Learning from some of the country’s most high-profile theatres are calling on all political parties to commit to 'Theatre for Every Child'. Claire Walker of SOLT & UK Theatre shares highlights of the campaign.

Music charity opens ninth funding round for young creatives

04 Jun 2024

Young people’s music charity Youth Music has announced a ninth funding round of its NextGen fund.

The fund is designed to help emerging artists and professionals develop the skills needed to participate in the music industry and to equalise access to the music industry for young creatives. 

Grants of up to £2,500 are available for 18- —to 25-year-olds, but applicants can be up to 30 if they are d/Deaf, disabled, or neurodivergent. Youth Music says it is encouraging applications from the North East, East of England, East Midlands, and Northern Ireland, in particular.

While performers are welcome to apply, the fund is also available to producers, A&Rs, managers, and agents, as well as roles in the music industry that may not yet have been defined.

To date, the fund has invested nearly £650,000 in 276 early-stage musicians and emerging music industry creatives.

Applications for the ninth round are now open and will close on 28 June, with notification given in September. Further details on Youth Music’s website.

A tenth round is scheduled to open later this year, with an application deadline of 15 November.

Fears Tory plans to scrap university degrees will damage arts

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak cheering at a training academy
31 May 2024

Conservative party says it will close the 'worst-performing' degrees that have high drop-out rates and 'poor' job prospects, but policy is labelled 'absurd' by former Culture Minister.

Parents and carers in the performing arts face growing pay gap

22 May 2024

Report finds evidence of unsustainable working conditions and a growing pay disparity for parents and carers working in the performing arts.

Arts education: Call for four hour minimum entitlement

Schoolchildren taking part in an arts class
21 May 2024

Campaign group says fundamental changes to the schooling system are necessary to address 'erosion and inequality' in arts education provision.

Education system facing 'arts apocalypse', sector warns

Two children standing at a table painting
13 May 2024

Concerns raised over 'decimation' of arts provision in schools and colleges across England.

One in four schools failing to meet one-hour music target

10 May 2024

Almost a quarter of secondary schools are not meeting a new government expectation for Key Stage 3 pupils to be taught an hour of classroom music a week, a survey has found.

Schools Week reports that the expectation was introduced in September as part of the government’s national plan for music, with similar expectations also introduced for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.

However, a survey of senior secondary school leaders found that 16 per cent were teaching for less than an hour a week, and 2 per cent were not teaching at all.

Teacher Tapp's research found that another five per cent use a system in which pupils are only taught for part of the year.

Overall, two-thirds said they met the weekly commitment of one hour, with seven per cent saying they taught for more than an hour.

Ongoing issues with recruitment accountability pressures and funding have been cited as possible reasons for schools failing to meet the target.

Music education hubs: ACE seeks fresh bids for two areas

A boy sitting and playing the drums
06 May 2024

Two areas of England are yet to have an organisation appointed to run their music education hub later this year after bids by prospective candidates were rejected for being too weak.

Camden youth arts scheme creates £3.7m in social value 

A young person operates a clapper board for filming
30 Apr 2024

Research from Social Change UK estimates that for every £1 invested by Roundhouse in its youth film and digital projects, £42.25 is generated in social value.

Ballet supports children with arthritis

24 Apr 2024

Ballet Cymru is offering support to children and young people living with juvenile arthritis as part of a creative collaboration launched with Cardiff and Vale University Health Board, funded by Arts Council Wales.

Dr Joanne May, a consultant at the Children's Hospital for Wales, who initiated the Dance to Move partnership, said: "We aim to deliver holistic care, but time in clinics is limited, which often means the focus is on condition management and treatment.

"Early on, we recognised that creative interventions would benefit children not only because dance elements would support movement, but also because they provided an opportunity to build confidence and support the wellbeing of children and their families."

The programme provides an immersive experience for children and families by offering dance, drawing, costume design and storytelling.


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