Classical sales and streams increased by 10% in 2018, making it the year’s fastest-growing genre. Sales of classical CDs increased by 7%, in contrast to the decline in this format for rock and...
The Photographers’ Gallery says it will not curtail activity in the face of complaints from the pro-Brexit campaign group. 
Far-right president Jair Bolsonaro has merged the country’s three ministries of culture, sports and social development into a single department called the ministry of citizenship. New...
A group of funders including the Paul Hamlyn Foundation and the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation are to test a set of key principles to make grant reporting a more “meaningful and mutually beneficial experience”.
Interviews with arts sector stakeholders also reveal that Arts Council England is seen as overly bureaucratic, and the Grantium funding portal continues to complicate grant applications.
Opportunities for using virtual reality, augmented reality and mixed reality technologies will be developed with a view to extending the ways audiences across the world can experience live performance.
Up to 40 employees – around 14% of the theatre’s workforce – could be impacted by a planned restructure, although the theatre said the number of redundancies would be much lower...
New Fabian Society research – backed by Children & the Arts, the Musicians Union and actor Ben Elton – found that nearly two-thirds of 400 surveyed teachers said there was currently...
The two-year, £22m project, which began last October, will create a new set of galleries from former office, storage and display spaces; improve accessibility for those with mobility...
The company’s 2017/18 accounts reveal that although turnover increased by 14% on the previous year, profits were down 57% from £12m to £5m as the costs of refurbishing the West End...
Claims by the Onward thinktank that young people should be steered away from “low value” degrees because they leave taxpayers to foot the bill for their studies are "simplistic", say university bosses.
Arts People
DOMINIC HADDOCK, currently Director of Development at Spitalfields Music, has been appointed Head of Development and Communications at English Touring Opera. He joins the company next month.
Arts People
DAN HOWARD will take over from ROY SHIELDS as Chair of the Board of Governors at Elmhurst Ballet School. Howard’s career has included senior educational roles at Bournemouth Media School, the...
Arts People
HANNA STREETER, a Senior Producer at Paines Plough since 2014, has been appointed as the next Executive Director of the Orange Tree Theatre. She will succeed SARAH NICHOLSON in March 2019, working...
Supporting early career leaders is among the priorities for the funding, which will also aim to tackle the lack of diversity in sector leadership.
Plans for a 140-seat theatre and the reuse of derelict buildings as a backstage area and stores are set for approval by Staffordshire Borough Council. The development will form part of a regeneration...
After celebrating its 30th anniversary last year, the Citadel Arts Centre building will close at the end of June, but the Citadel Arts Centre Charity will continue to deliver arts activities for...
Rufus Norris, director of the National Theatre, has paid tribute to the Queen for her “long and unwavering support and service” since becoming the theatre’s patron in 1974, and...
As the NHS long-term plan promises to roll out social prescribing, Ploy Radford reports on the costs and benefits of music-based interventions for dementia patients.
Are West End theatres pricing themselves out of the market? Richard Jordan believes the escalating cost of attending commercial theatre will have serious consequences in the long-term.
Case study
Kwame Bakoji-Hume explains how sharing knowledge of African culture through school workshops can shine a light on important contemporary issues.
Sharing information openly supports innovation and helps build resilience for the good of the whole sector, argues Cimeon Ellerton.
James McClure sets out five ways in which smart ticketing strategies can increase customer satisfaction as well as revenues.
Case study
A touring exhibition in Hong Kong is encouraging young people to change the way they think about sustainability, writes Joego Chan.
Arts People
Composer Gavin Sutherland, Principal Conductor of English National Ballet, pays homage the five people who have guided his professional and artistic growth.
