25th August 2017

Documents linked to its national portfolio application have revealed Emma Rice’s new company was unable to provide required financial information, and was the only South West applicant to hold a ‘mandatory conversation’ with its ACE Area Director.

The UK’s Creative Europe desk, managed by the British Council, would be unaffected by the proposed cut.

The number of students taking EBacc subjects at GCSE has risen by 8%.

24th August 2017

23rd August 2017

22nd August 2017

A Government-commissioned report has found evidence that culture, sport and heritage influence local place-shaping and help attract and retain businesses.

Last week’s A level results appear to confirm a feared knock-on effect of the introduction of the EBacc at GCSE level.

21st August 2017

18th August 2017

A country-wide snapshot shows men remain more likely to work in senior roles, and half of BME arts workers feel their ethnicity is a barrier to success.

17th August 2017
