The budget allocation for 'Creative Scotland and other arts' includes £10m for Screen Scotland and a £6.6m boost for the regularly funded portfolio to compensate for reduced lottery income.
Higher education institutions are undervaluing the soft skills which are key to all career paths – particularly those in the growing creative industries, writes Natalie Brett.
Google Arts and Culture has created an interactive digital replica of the museum, which lost most of its collection to fire earlier this year. In addition, fourteen researchers who lost their work in...
The Cities of London and Westminster, Islington South, Finsbury, Holborn and St Pancras received £4,640 per head over the past 20 years – more than ten times the ratio across the rest of...
17 dance and theatre projects will share a total of £1.2m to support touring between 2019 and 2020. The fund was unveiled earlier this year, alongside the controversial announcement of Creative...
The country’s Discrimination Ombudsman said Statement festival, which described itself as “male-free”, was discriminatory in that it “discouraged a certain group from...
Banbury’s multi-use arts centre has been bought from Oxfordshire County Council by Cherwell District Council for £1, in the knowledge that the building needs £250k worth of repairs...
The theatre impresario’s company, LW Theatres, is challenging a £280k charge incurred for suspending parking facilities while the Theatre Royal Drury Lane is revamped, accusing the...
(IN SPANISH) There has been a drastic collapse in the number of concerts, plays and film screenings in Spain over the last 10 years as ticket sales have struggled to recover from the recession. And no one knows if things will ever get back to normal, writes Tomasso Koch.
A survey of 3,000 adults by Americans for the Arts finds most people in the US approve of doubling federal government funding to the arts, and supporting the arts in general.
Historian David Olusoga on why it’s perfectly compatible to care about both returning looted artistic treasures to their place of origin and protecting Britain’s art and heritage.
‘Love Culture, Hate Cuts’, a petition created by the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, the MAC and Town Hall Symphony Hall in protest at council plans to cut arts funding by 50%, has...
Any young person aged 17 or under will be able to get a free ticket in balcony seats on Saturday nights, as part of the organisation’s push to tackle elitism and encourage young audiences to...
Many of the key players in the Gulf's art ecosystem are women. Danna Lorch speaks to three female museum directors in the region to discuss cultural tourism, connecting with local communities and the limits of risk-taking.
British East Asian writers have historically been unable to contribute virtually anything of note to UK theatre. To understand why, we should look to the sector’s layers of white, middle class gatekeepers, says Daniel York Loh.
A music teacher who played an integral role in turning around the fortunes of a Bradford primary school through a new creative education programme is one of three teachers from England on the...
In real terms, institutions sponsored by DCMS have increased their income by over a quarter in the past decade, despite a 19% reduction in direct funding.
A new culture strategy outlines plans to increase access to the arts and ensure London is renowned for its culture internationally.  
The new qualification will be available from 2022/23, offering students who do not want to take A Levels a choice between pathways in craft, production and cultural heritage.
Arts People
EMMA STEWART-JONES will be joining Dance Base, Scotland’s National Centre for Dance, as Chief Executive. Her new role will start in February next year, following five years at Creative Scotland...
Arts People
The new Artistic Director of Artsadmin will be RÓISE GOAN. Currently working as Guest Dramaturg at Vooruit in Belgium, she is also Artistic Director of The Local Group, which creates performance...
Arts People
Previously Artistic Director of New York’s Cedar Lake Contemporary Ballet, dance artist BENOIT SWAN POUFFER has been appointed Artistic Director of Rambert. He became Guest Artistic Director of...
Arts People
RACHEL GIBSON, formerly Interim Director Dance Strategy at Arts Council England and Interim Executive Director at English National Ballet School, has been appointed Executive Director of South East...
Arts People
After 14 years in post, LUKE JENNINGS has announced he will be leaving his role as dance critic at The Observer.
Arts People
The Federation of Scottish Theatre has appointed co-Chairs of the board. They are BELINDA MCELHINNEY, Executive Producer of Glasgow’s new festival of contemporary performance, Take Me Somewhere...
