Arts People
The Federation of Scottish Theatre has appointed co-Chairs of the board. They are BELINDA MCELHINNEY, Executive Producer of Glasgow’s new festival of contemporary performance, Take Me Somewhere...
Arts People
ALTHEA EFUNSHILE, previously Deputy Chief Executive of Arts Council England, has been appointed as Ballet Black’s new Chair.
Research aims to increase understanding of the hidden challenges facing disabled artists and musicians when recording, performing and applying for funding.
Leading industry figures will be linked with schools and colleges to raise awareness of employment opportunities in the sector.
In a change of direction for major plans to replace the venue, which was badly damaged in a 2014 fire, Derby Council has approved a £24m project to remodel the building’s entrance and...
SODA, the proposed five-storey £30m institution, is due to be built behind Manchester Metropolitan University’s student union by 2021. The project – which will include digital...
As Tate Modern's latest art installation starts to melt away, AP's Jonathan Knott reflects on how art can play a role in tackling environmental challenges.
The way funding is distributed in the UK means there’s no money for community groups to organise their own cultural activities – such as the juvenile jazz bands that used to be common in working class towns across the North East of England. It’s time for change, argues Stephen Pritchard. 
‘Progressive’ funders must make long-term grants, respond quickly, treat grantees as partners with mutual goals and actively encourage lobbying if they are to have as much of an impact on society as more ‘conservative’ outfits, writes nonprofitAF.
The arts sector must do more than just seek ‘clean’ sources of funding, free from the influence of climate-contaminating industry, says Molly Scott Cato. It must help imagine a world in which fossil fuels no longer have a place in society.
From issue 320 Feature
What is the importance of creativity for young children? Ruth Churchill Dower explores the wide-ranging and ultimately limitless benefits of arts activity.
Paloma Faith, Billy Bragg and Annie Lennox are among 85 musicians and music industry workers who have signed a new open letter arguing that leaving the customs union and the single market could...
From issue 320 Feature
Why do some in the sector feel that babies and toddlers have little to offer as audiences or participants? On the contrary, says Charlotte Arculus, working with this group is never boring.
From issue 320 Case study
A non-verbal approach to music-making for the very youngest children offers a comfortable environment for new parents experiencing anxiety, as well as a joyful time for babies, says Hannah Baker.
From issue 320 Case study
Stratford Circus Arts Centre, based in an area of London with high levels of child poverty, has come to realise that providing low-cost hot meals can help it engage with local families. Tania Wilmer tells the story.
From issue 320 Feature
The opportunities for very young children to experience the arts in rural Devon are few, as well as inconvenient and expensive. How can less culturally engaged families enjoy live performances, asks Amy Bere.
Refusing to be an artist-as-public-figure in the social media age seems like wilful career suppression, if not suicide. But increasing numbers of artists are opting out and avoiding an online presence. Drew Zeiba finds out why.
Dudley Council has given the green light to plans to turn Dudley Hippodrome, derelict since 2009, into a site for testing driverless vehicles. The Theatres Trust says that should these proposals...
The Grand Palais, The Musée des Arts Décoratifs and photography gallery Jeu de Paume offered limited or no access at the weekend. Some of the Jeu de Paume’s windows were smashed during riots.
The venue says 2019’s programme will highlight the richness and depth of Welsh talent, following well-publicised concerns from more than 200 actors and playwrights that National Theatre Wales (...
Reggae, which was recently added to UNESCO’s cultural heritage list, is not just about the music, says Christopher Partridge. It’s just as influential as a social and political force.
A survey by the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (Cipfa) finds that 130 public libraries have closed in the last year, continuing a trend that has been ongoing since 2010. Cipfa...
Contractors have discovered a range of issues with the building, including rotted timber and damaged drains. The council, which has already dedicated £13.5m to the project, described the...
Arts Council England has guaranteed funding at the same level for the venue, which says the financial strain of maintaining a rep company took the organisation “towards a tipping point from which we now need to step back”.
Further investment from Creative Scotland and BBC Arts into the Edinburgh venue will support an expansion of its artist development programme, allowing it to double the number of artist labs.
