Photo: PLANETART via Visualhunt / CC BY-NC-SA
New Arts Minister takes over DCMS digital consultation
#CultureisDigital, originally set up by Minister Matt Hancock, will move into the ‘next phase’ under the stewardship of John Glen.
A new website has been launched to encourage people to join a conversation between “Government, the cultural sector and tech companies”.
The DCMS consultation aims to explore how culture and technology can “work together to drive audience engagement, unleash the creative potential of technology” and “boost the capability of cultural organisations”.
Originally set up by Minister Matt Hancock, the #CultureisDigital project has been taken over by new Arts Minister John Glen. Comments and suggestions can now be posted at cultureisdigital.uk.
As previously reported by AP, the consultation focuses on four overarching ‘challenges’:
- Access and participation, and increasing engagement and audiences;
- Cultural infrastructure;
- Cultural content and technology, and encouraging innovation;
- Skills, IP and business models, to improve financial resilience.
The platform will be open until early August, with a report on the findings due to be released by the end of the year.
Speaking about the development, Glen said: “So whether your organisation is large or small, tech or culture-focused, I want to hear from you – about the challenges you face, the opportunities you seek, and examples we can learn from.”
He added: “Please get involved. I’m really looking forward to seeing the conversation grow.”
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