30th March 2015

27th March 2015

Arts venues in Wales have joined forces to implement a new national scheme that aims to provide more consistent and reliable arts experiences for disabled people.

By pooling resources and expertise the consortium aims to become a strong and efficient voice for the dance sector.

As a new report reveals cultural tourism generated £3.2bn for the economy in 2013, City Hall plans to help spread the wealth.

As the UK gears up to celebrate three ‘cities of culture’ between 2017 and 2023, questions still remain over how they will be funded. 

26th March 2015

ACE-funded organisations saved £1.25m in energy costs last year and the number of organisations engaged with environmental sustainability is growing.

25th March 2015

24th March 2015

23rd March 2015

Umbrella bodies and venues will bear the brunt of cuts in Northern Ireland, as funding decisions are aimed at preserving the “core elements of each art form”.

20th March 2015

Cuts and restructures have damaged relationships between arts organisations and local authorities, with community organisations and artists finding support harder to come by. 

18th March 2015
