Arts People
​​New Earth Theatre has named AILIN CONANT Artistic Director (AD), replacing outgoing AD KUMIKO MENDL. The theatre company presents and develops with British East and South...
Successful grant bid for the Royal Cornwall Museum comes less than two years after it faced closure following a loss of council support.
Arts People
PRS for Music has appointed STEVIE SPRING CBE Chair. Spring succeeds STEPHAN DAVIDSON, who has held the role since 2014. She previously chaired BBC's Children in Need and was...
Creative lighting and public art are to be designed by community groups for a park in Leeds to try to make the space more welcoming for women. Wow Park - a co-creative public art and lighting...
It’s January - a new year, a time when we dare to be optimistic about the state of things, maybe even wish for change, writes Lauren James.
Sam Hornsby and her best friend Mae Yip were sick of seeing young people experience the same lack of access to the creative industries they went through 20 years ago. So they did something about it.
British Arts Festivals Association (BAFA) will undertake a UK-wide research study to assess the future of arts festivals. Supported by Arts Council England, Arts Council of Wales and Creative...
National Portfolio Organisations with the highest levels of public funding three times more likely to be working with universities on arts and culture research than those with lower levels of subsidy.
Slung Low theatre company in Leeds has been granted permission to create an outdoor event space after the City Council consented to a three-year temporary change of use of its existing venue in the...
National Portfolio Organisation says Yorkshire city's location in the centre of the UK allows good access to partners in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales as well as across England.
Gala Theatre in Durham has agreed to introduce improved terms and conditions for performers, bringing the venue in line with standards set by performers' union Equity.  The move follows...
Government says it is prioritising the development of a regulatory framework for AI technologies that will promote innovation while responding to risks.
Arts People
Como No has announced that Founding Director ANDY WOOD is stepping down after 34 years. A promoter of music from Latin America, Como No has presented shows in venues including Jazz Café...
Arts People
PAUL EVANS is joining Directors UK from Bectu as Head of Industry Relations, while NIALL STEWART has been named Public Affairs and Policy Manager. Evans will play a key role in leading the trade...
Arts People
EMILY GOTTLIEB will depart from National Opera Studio (NOS) in March to become Executive Director at Longborough Festival Opera (LFO). Gottlieb has led NOS for nine years, following 15 years...
From issue 372 Opinion
Anne Torreggiani and colleagues at The Audience Agency share their predictions and top tips for success.  
Arts People
With Bradford City of Culture 2025 just one year away, its Chair Kersten England reflects on the people who have helped pave the way in her career.
Arts People
English National Ballet has named Sir RUPERT GAVIN Chair, replacing Sir ROGER CARR, who steps down following a five-year tenure. An arts and business leader, Gavin is the former...
Arts People
NITIN SAWHNEY will become the first Patron of PRS Foundation, a funder of new music and talent development. Sawhney will move into the role after four years as PRS Foundation’...
From issue 372 Feature
The Creative PEC works closely with industry, government and the third sector to build evidence to support the development of better policy, writes Bernard Hay.
Leeds City Council has launched a public consultation on proposals to end its lease on the site of a local heritage museum. The Thwaite Watermill Museum, which is owned by Canal and River Trust...
Shadow Culture Secretary pledges to explore opportunities for additional investment in the arts, describing proposed cuts to local authority culture budgets as 'heartbreaking'.
Freedom of Information requests have revealed more than 1,700 artefacts are missing from publicly funded museums and art galleries in England. The FOI requests submitted by the Press Association...
National Portfolio Organisation says cultural sector 'faces one of its most testing moments in recent history'.
From issue 372 Opinion
At the start of 2024, Michelle Wright offers her expert advice about where to focus your fundraising energies in a climate of uncertainty.
