10th April 2014

9th April 2014

The combined value of earned and contributed income generated by NPOs in London has grown by £71m since 2010, but the North East has seen growth of just £1m over the same period.

A ten-year plan and a new approach to funding aim to demonstrate more support for arts organisations and provide greater clarity about its role and remit.

8th April 2014

7th April 2014

The abridged performance by the Reduced Shakespeare Company is part of the airline’s celebrations of the playwright’s birthday. Performances will also take place at airports across the country.

4th April 2014

A withering letter signed by senior academics raises serious concerns about the recent ACE review of the impact of the arts and the lack of scholarship and consultation with researchers in the field. 

ACE warns that relying too heavily on an unpaid workforce could jeopardise the chances of organisations achieving NPO status. 

3rd April 2014

Demonstrating the effectiveness of arts interventions in dementia treatment will be key to unlocking funding, says new report.

2nd April 2014

ACW reports highest recorded levels of arts engagement among young people, although participation among adults shows some signs of decline.
