
Reasons to dance

Arts Professional
1 min read

Young girl in sunglasses striking a pose on stage

Dance has higher audience satisfaction levels than theatre, musicals or opera, according to the latest Society of London Theatre research (see main story). Seventy-one per cent of dance attenders rated their experience as “very good”, compared to an average of 63% across theatre, musicals, dance and opera. The report contains more good news for the dance sector: it is also growing in popularity, with 29% of attenders buying a dance ticket – up 4% since 2003. This compares with a drop in attendances at plays from 49% of all respondents in 2003 to 42% in 2008, while musicals and opera attendances have remained broadly stable. Dance attenders are also the most Internet-savvy artform attenders: more than three in five dance attenders (65%) booked their tickets online, compared to the sample average of 48%.