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New Culture Secretary Michelle Donelan has indicated the government may not press ahead with plans to privatise Channel 4.

Speaking to BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, Donelan said she will “re-examine the business case” for privatisation by taking a fresh look at the benefits and costs of the plan.

“I’m the type of politician that bases their decisions on evidence, on listening and that’s what I will be doing over the coming weeks,” she said.

“I will take that approach when it comes to Channel 4 and every aspect of my brief.”

Donelan declined to say whether or not she agreed with plans to scrap the BBC licence fee, first tabled by her predecessor Nadine Dorries, but said she would take another look at the policy.

“It is no secret that I have been a long-term sceptic of the licence fee and that we need to make sure that the BBC is sustainable in the long term. So I’m looking at this in the round,” Donelan added.

“I’m somebody that listens, I’m somebody that decides policy based on evidence and that’s what I will be doing over the coming weeks.”