
Island vision

Arts Professional
1 min read

The development of the professional visual arts sector in Skye, Lochalsh, Wester Ross and Lochaber is the focus of a new consultation in Scotland. A year-long process of mapping and debate followed the closure last year of An Tuireann arts centre in Portree. Three options have now been put forward for the continuing support and promotion of the visual arts and crafts in the region. One proposal is to set up a team to enhance the capacity of existing arts groups; another to create a Visual Arts Unit to develop activity to complement existing groups; and a third, to establish a ‘strategic challenge fund’ open to any artist or arts group in the area to deliver new projects. The historic An Tuireann building, which was originally the fever hospital in Skye, is now likely to be used as a teaching centre by the University of the Highlands and Islands, and may still be in a position to offer gallery space. The online consultation is open to the end of August.