End in sight for SAC
The Scottish Arts Council will finally close this summer, and its successor, Creative Scotland, will be formally established as a Non-Departmental Public Body, following a vote last week by the Scottish Parliament on the Public Services Reform Bill. The new cultural development organisation will take over the work of Creative Scotland 2009 Ltd, an interim body established to progress the work of the new organisation pending Parliament’s endorsement of the plans. Its remit is wide-ranging and, whilst it involves promoting participation and access to the arts and culture, it is also a vehicle for delivering Scotland’s policy for the creative industries. It will champion “creative endeavours that contribute to an understanding of Scotland’s national culture” and “commercial activity focused on the application of creative skills”. Creative Scotland will have bases in both Glasgow and Edinburgh. It will be the first Scottish public body to have equal legal status for its Gaelic and English names, and will also operate under the Gaelic name Alba Chruthachail. The Chief Executive of the new organisation Andrew Dixon aims to visit 100 creative organisations across Scotland during his first two months in office.
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