FILMCLUB, an after-school club founded in 2006, is to be rolled out across the UK. Following a successful pilot in 2007, the initiative which aims to bring the medium of film to pupils through a UK-...
From issue 170
The extent to which the arts and cultural development have woven themselves into regeneration is truly remarkable, and should perhaps be recognised as one of the sector’s triumphs of recent...
From issue 170
Bridget Edwards marvels at the work of arts professionals who help offenders to learn how to learn.
From issue 170
Matt Carwardine-Palmer reveals the five websites he wouldn?t want to be without.
From issue 170
Mhora Samuel explains some of the environmental challenges and opportunities for new-build theatres in a zero-carbon world.
From issue 170
Arts organisations should be aiming high ? but this can only happen if managers take the excellence agenda on board, says Howard Raynor.
From issue 169
Brian Lang will succeed Tom Thomson as the next Chair of the Royal Scottish National Orchestra. He is Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the University of St Andrews, Deputy Chair of the National...
From issue 169
Jon Harrison gives us an overview of recent developments in digital art and their impact on creative work.
From issue 169
Tim Jones reveals how a producing organisation can engage with the work of digital artists.
From issue 169
A new digital arts award has created a learning experience for organisers, artists and audiences alike, writes Roanne Dods.
From issue 169
Digital art isn?t about expensive, exclusive technologies any more: it?s about mass access and collaboration, writes Drew Hemment.
From issue 169
Building relationships through consultation is beneficial to both organisations and their visitors and audiences, writes Elaine Cabuts.
From issue 169
Using the arts to consult with young people has become a key skill in the arts sector, Jay Barron reveals.
From issue 169
Scotland moves towards a new era as Holyrood scrutinises development plans
From issue 169
May is Museums and Galleries Month (MGM), when curators and museum and gallery professionals invite visitors to discover the unique and unexpected in their local museum or gallery. Events range from...
From issue 169
Income, social class and disability status have little or no significant effect on arts attendance, according to a report issued by Arts Council England (ACE) this month. Education levels and social...
From issue 169
Greater incentives for private donors to give to the arts, and greater recognition for those who do, are among the aims of a new nationwide campaign, ‘Private Giving for the Public Good...
From issue 169
The impact of the EU Directive on artist resale rights (ARR), introduced in part two years ago, may have been exaggerated by a small group within the art trade in order to delay full implementation...
From issue 169
150 young people from 12 young theatre companies from countries including Zambia, Palestine and Brazil will be taking part in Contacting the World, an international theatre exchange project, in which...
From issue 169
St Donats Arts Centre is examining its legal position following the decision of Arts Council Wales (ACW) not to reinstate its revenue funding, despite a successful appeal. All six of the...
Kaleido Disability and Deaf Arts has launched two new websites. The Kaleido Disabled Artists Social Network allows artists in the south west to meet one another online and find information about...
From issue 169
It is becoming ever more fascinating to see how the different nations of the UK are developing their relationships with the arts and the creative industries. For Arts Council England (ACE), the...
From issue 169
Damian Hebron looks at the benefits of ?percent for art? schemes in the healthcare sector.
From issue 169
Fergus Early introduces us to some of the extraordinary people who have influenced him.
From issue 169
Hannah Rudman reflects on the work emerging from Futurelab?s1 ?Digital Inclusion? project: is the digital divide a last century anxiety or still of concern to the cultural sector?
