Belsay Hall reopens following major conservation project

28 Aug 2023

Belsay Hall, Castle and Gardens in Northumberland has reopened to the public after a major two-year conservation and revival project carried out by English Heritage.

Partially funded by a £3.4m grant from the National Lottery Heritage Fund, as well as support from Garfield Weston Foundation and the Foyle Foundation, the project included work to conserve the venue’s historic hall, castle and coach house and a rejuvenation of the property’s 30-acre gardens.

“The Belsay that visitors see today comprises three distinct but related elements: a medieval castle, a Greek-Revival country house, which superseded it as a family residence at the beginning of the 19th century, and a beautiful garden linking the two buildings,” said Mark Douglas, English Heritage’s Properties Curator.

The property, designed by Sir Charles Monk, is one of the earliest Greek Revival houses in Britain.

The restoration addressed problems including a leaking roof and gutters that had been causing damp issues for over two hundred years and the loss of much of the original planting material in the venue’s Grade I-listed gardens.

The original roof has now been replaced and the castle’s medieval stonework repaired. The gardens have been restored by landscape designer and gardener Dan Pearson, who planned a new scheme that maintained its historic character.

Pearson and his team planted more than 80,000 new plants, with 35,000 alone in the hall’s woodland area. The project also restored previously lost historic views on Crag Wood’s scenic walk.

Pearson’s “plantsmanship and painterly eye have helped to bring out the individual character of the extensive garden areas,” said John Watkins, English Heritage’s Head of Gardens and Landscapes.

The upgraded site includes a new projected animation and soundscape centring on the story of The Wildman, a medieval mythical figure which features on the coat of arms of the Middleton family, who owned Belsay for over 700 years.

It also includes new family-friendly spaces, a children’s woodland play-and-learn area with an outdoor classroom and a café with renewable energy and rainwater harvesting located in the historic coach house.

Heritage Fund invests in first anti-apartheid centre

23 Aug 2023

A new centre dedicated to the anti-apartheid movement is to be created after securing a £1.2m grant from The National Lottery Heritage Fund.

The £3m project at Penton Street, a four-floor townhouse in Islington which is the former London headquarters of the African National Congress, will be called The Anti-Apartheid Legacy: Centre of Memory and Learning.

The building will be fully restored as part of the project to create a permanent exhibition exploring the history and legacy of the anti-apartheid movement, in particular the UK's central role in the struggle.

The building will have an accessible archive resource and study space. It will also create a programme of learning, volunteering and employment opportunities, and offer affordable workspaces to businesses, charities and community groups.

Professor Chris Mullard, Chair of the Liliesleaf Trust UK, which is responsible for the project, said it “enables a unique platform from which we will strive to reduce inequality and promote inclusivity through its programmes and events which empower as well as inform contemporary communities, and which work towards redressing longstanding imbalances in the perceptions and experience of UK’s multi-cultural heritage”.

The project has also been supported by the Mayor of London’s Good Growth Fund and Garfield Weston Foundation, as well as other funders.

A campaign has begun to raise the final funding required for the project.

National Gallery closed due to incident on roof

23 Aug 2023

The National Gallery in London had to be evacuated and closed to the public on Tuesday (22 September) due to an incident involving a man who climbed onto its roof.

As of Wednesday (23 September) morning, the incident was ongoing with a heavy police presence visible at the gallery.

Police described the man as "distressed". Social media footage showed him sitting and standing on the area above the Sainsbury Wing of the gallery.

On Wednesday afternoon, a spokesperson for the National Gallery shared an update stating: "The incident continued throughout the night and part of following morning, with Trafalgar Square and the gallery remaining closed.

"At around 11.25am a man was detained under the mental health act and taken to hospital. The gallery opened to visitors at around 12pm"

Summer on the Square, an event scheduled to take place in Trafalgar Square across this week, reopened again on Wedenesday afternoon.

An investigation is now underway into how the man accessed the gallery roof.

'More than 1,500' artefacts stolen from British Museum

23 Aug 2023

The number of items allegedly taken from the British Museum’s collection by senior curator Peter Higgs is thought to exceed 1,500 and be worth tens of millions of pounds, according to an internal investigation launched this month.

Higgs was the museum’s curator of Greek collections, Greek sculpture and the Hellenistic period and was named last week by the Daily Telegraph and The Times as the prime suspect in the disappearance of artefacts from the collection.

He is thought to have sold many of the stolen objects on eBay over several years, beginning in 2016, often for fractions of their estimated value, the Art Newspaper reported.

A 2,000-year-old Roman object valued at £50,000 was allegedly sold for £40.

Higgs was dismissed by the museum earlier this year. He has not been arrested but the Metropolitan Police have confirmed they are investigating.

Christos Tsirogiannis, a UNESCO-affiliated expert in antiques trafficking, told The Economist the theft is “probably the worst case so far”. 

“No one expects that to happen in a museum”, he said.

The investigation comes at a time of fierce debate about the restitution of artefacts. The British Museum has long countered restitution claims by arguing it has a unique ability to conserve and preserve artefacts, pledging on its website “to ensure that the collection is housed in safety, conserved, curated, researched and exhibited”.

The controversy over the stolen items has led to Greek culture minister, Lina Mendoni, questioning the credibility of the museum: “When such incidents occur, there is obviously a question of safety and integrity [around] all of the museum's exhibits”.

She added the furore “reinforces the permanent and just demand of our country for the reunification of the Parthenon Marbles at the Acropolis Museum in Athens”.

Her comments were echoed by head of the Association of Greek Archaeologists, Despina Koutsoumba, who told The Independent her colleagues were “worried” about how many Greek items are missing from the museum.

Their comments were rebuked by Conservative MP Tim Loughton, who is Chair of the British Museum All-Party Parliamentary Group. He told the BBC Radio 4 Today programme the “blatant opportunism of the Greeks” was “particularly damaging”.

Meanwhile, a museum spokesperson has said: “We won't be commenting on any details of the thefts while they're subject to a police investigation”.

Project to explore Shakespeare's 'hidden' women

23 Aug 2023

The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust (SBT) has announced the launch of a three year project exploring the role of women in creating and maintaining the playwright’s legacy over the centuries.

“Prompted by the 400th anniversary of the death of Anne Shakespeare (nee Hathaway) earlier in August, we are embarking on an ambitious, multi-year project that will explore the sometimes hidden, often ignored, erased or forgotten stories of the many women who have influenced, as well as secured Shakespeare’s legacy,” said Professor Charlotte Scott, the trust’s Director of Knowledge and Engagement.

The SBT has committed to ensuring all the activity will be devised and led by women and female-identifying people. 

The project will focus on the lived experiences of the women in Shakespeare’s life, including his mother Mary, his sister Joan, his daughters Susannah and Judith and the extended networks of friends, neighbours and country women who maintained those relations.

The trust, which is responsible for maintaining the family homes, documents and artefacts relating to Shakespeare and Stratford-upon-Avon, will share stories and events for every family and an exhibition at Shakespeare’s New Place in Spring 2024. 

In 2025, the focus of the project will be the female gaze and the female characters who have contributed to Shakespeare’s place in theatrical history, including “lovers and Queens, witches, mothers, murderers, politicians and powerhouses”. 

The final year will centre on the women who made and continue to make Shakespeare famous, from actresses to artists, writers, readers and creatives who have brought his characters to life.

“We are approaching Shakespeare not as a single genius, but as the figurehead of a community and network of people who enabled and secured his place in the canon of western literature,” Scott said.

“He wrote at a time when society was highly patriarchal and socially stratified. However, his own life and much of his career was one which was ruled by women, from the monarch to his homelife.” 

Over half of galleries unaware of Martyn’s Law

23 Aug 2023

Research has revealed that 55% of UK galleries are unaware of Martyn’s Law, a new piece of legislation which requires them to consider the threat of terrorism and put mitigation measures in place.

The law was created in response to the 2017 Manchester Arena bombing, in which the assailant and 22 concert-goers were killed.

It is named after Martyn Hett, one of the victims of the attack, and is designed to ensure public safety by reducing the risk from terrorist attacks at public venues.

Research commissioned by specialist heritage insurer Ecclesiastical found that although details of the draft Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill were published in May, more than half of galleries remained unaware of its requirements.
The survey of 100 gallery decision makers found that 80% feel their organisation needs more support to prepare for the legislation coming into force.

Faith Kitchen, customer segment director at Ecclesiastical Insurance said: “Ensuring the safety of arts and heritage venues is paramount. We encourage galleries to familiarise themselves with the concepts and requirements of the forthcoming legislation.”
The Protect UK website provides information, tools and guidance to help galleries evaluate and mitigate terrorism risks.

The legislation is currently being scrutinised by the Home Affairs Select Committee in draft form. It is expected to be passed in spring of 2024.

Additional funding to green Scotland’s museums

21 Aug 2023

The Scottish Government is to make more than £1m available to museums and galleries to help them achieve net zero emissions.

The Scottish Climate Engagement Fund, worth £550,000, aims to build understanding of the climate emergency and to mobilise climate action among communities.

Grants of between £50,000 and £100,000 will be awarded during 2023-24.

The funding is for public events, festivals and skills development. It will not support capital projects such as installing solar panels.

The deadline for applications is 1 September 2023.

The Scottish Government is also to give £500,000 to Museums Galleries Scotland towards running costs and resilience.

The money is intended to enable organisations across the country to reduce their capital costs and carry out crucial repairs and maintenance work.

“Given the current cost-of-living challenges and their impact on the ability of museums to run their services for the public, this £500,000 in funding will enable the museum sector to be more energy efficient,” said Culture Minister Christina McKelvie.

“In particular the fund will prioritise projects that will directly reduce carbon use or have a positive environmental impact.”

This work will contribute to achieving Scotland’s target of net zero emissions by 2045, she added.

“As well as encouraging the sector to be more sustainable, the aims of the fund align with our national priorities and will contribute to Scotland’s target of net zero emissions by 2045.”

CEO of Museums Galleries Scotland Lucy Casot said the additional government funding will “safeguard these spaces for years to come”.

British Museum to review security following artefacts theft

17 Aug 2023

The British Museum has said it will conduct an independent review of its security after items from its collection were found to be “missing, stolen or damaged”.

In a statement released yesterday [Wednesday 16 August], the museum confirmed it has dismissed a staff member over the loss of several artefacts, with a police investigation now underway.

The majority of items in question were small pieces kept in a storeroom, including gold jewellery and gems of semi- precious stones and glass, dating from the 15th century BC to the 19th century AD.

None of the items had been on public display and were kept primarily for academic and research purposes.

The independent review into the museum’s security will be led by former trustee Sir Nigel Boardman and Lucy D’Orsi, Chief Constable of British Transport Police. 

The museum’s statement says the pair will make recommendations regarding future security arrangements at the museum and “kickstart - and support - a vigorous programme to recover the missing items”.

British Museum Chair George Osborne said the museum's trustees learned of the thefts “earlier this year”.

“Our priority is now threefold: first, to recover the stolen items; second, to find out what, if anything, could have been done to stop this; and third, to do whatever it takes, with investment in security and collection records, to make sure this doesn’t happen again,” he added.

Director Hartwig Fischer said it was a “highly unusual incident”.

“The museum apologises for what has happened, but we have now brought an end to this – and we are determined to put things right. 

“We have already tightened our security arrangements and we are working alongside outside experts to complete a definitive account of what is missing, damaged and stolen. This will allow us to throw our efforts into the recovery of objects.”

National Gallery ranked best value museum in Europe

17 Aug 2023

A study looking at reviews, admissions fees, Instagram popularity and opening hours to determine which European museum is the best value has ranked the UK's National Gallery in first place.

The research, conducted by The Knowledge Academy, placed the National History Museum second. Both London museums hold a 4.5 star rating on Tripadvisor and offer free entry.

The Louvre in Paris was ranked third, while the British Museum, the other UK entry in the top 10, came sixth.

UK-based entries in the top 20 are the Victoria and Albert Museum (=11th), The Roman Baths in Bath (16th), Royal Yacht Britannia in Edinburgh (19th) and the Churchill War Rooms (20th).

Glass museum reopens following £1m renovation

15 Aug 2023

A museum charting the history of glass production has reopened following a £1m refurbishment.

The World of Glass in St Helens celebrates the Merseyside town's "proud history" of glass production, executive director Pete Frost said.

Originally opened in 2000, the museum has been refurbished as part of wider investment in the town from the government's Town Deal Fund.

The museum is built alongside the town's Sankey canal and around a Grade II-listed tank house on a network of tunnels originally used for heat and airflow.

The refurbishment includes updated, interactive exhibits designed to add "a layer of hands-on engagement" for visitors.

As well as exhibits telling the story of glass making, the museum holds a collection of thousands of glass objects from around the world.

Curator Hannah Billinge said: "It is an important collection that is one of a kind."

Entry to the museum is free.

Museum and gallery visits remain 25% down on pre-pandemic

The interior of the National Gallery
14 Aug 2023

Fewer international tourists since the pandemic identified as one of the reasons why visitor levels for leading museums and galleries are yet to fully recover.

Glasgow Council considers £36m People’s Palace refurb

14 Aug 2023

A proposal to ‘restore, reimagine and enhance’ the 125-year-old People’s Palace and Winter Gardens claims structural damage is putting its collection at risk.

British Museum settles legal case with translator

10 Aug 2023

The British Museum has settled a court case after acknowledging it used the work of a translator without permission or payment and then wrongly removed it.

Vancouver-based writer, poet and translator Yilin Wang agreed to settle her copyright infringement claim against the museum for an undisclosed sum.

Wang will also be fully credited in all exhibition materials and future copies of the catalogue will include her contribution.

According to the Art Newspaper, Wang plans to donate 50% or more of the total settlement “to support translators of Sinophone poetry”. 

“I hope my donations can help fund a series of workshops with a focus on feminist, queer and decolonial approaches to translation, in honour of Qiu Jin,” Wang said.

As part of the settlement, the British Museum will be reviewing its permissions policy.

A statement from the institution says the review of its permission process will “ensure that there is a timely and robust methodology underpinning our clearance work and our crediting of contributors going forward”.

The museum says it will complete its review by the end of this year and will “implement appropriate policies and procedures to address any gaps identified in its review”.

The statement also acknowledges the museum does not currently have a policy for specifically addressing the clearance of translations, which Wang said was “surprising” for such a large institution.

“I hope that the British Museum follows through on their commitment to create a clearance process for translations in the future by the end of this year and to take concrete steps to ensure that the mistake does not happen again,” Wang added.

English Heritage launches £11m apprenticeship programme

A young man learning 'flint knapping' skills. An older man is showing him how to repair a flint wall
10 Aug 2023

The charity aims to train a new generation in vanishing heritage skills needed to preserve endangered historic properties, including flint-working, stone masonry and heritage brickwork.

British Museum urged to remove BP name

08 Aug 2023

More than 80 people from heritage, arts and climate backgrounds have written an open letter to the British Museum calling on it to remove BP’s name from its lecture theatre.

The move would send “a powerful message” about fossil fuel sponsorship, supporters said, calling on the museum’s director Hartwig Fischer to enact the change before he steps down next year.

Fischer announced the decision to resign his eight-year role last month, stating that he wanted to focus on the “rescue and preservation of cultural heritage in times of climate crisis, conflict, war and violence”, the Guardian reported.

The museum chose not to renew its 27-year sponsorship deal with the energy firm this year, stating that there were “no other contracts or agreements in effect between the museum and BP”.

Tate, National Portrait Gallery, Royal Shakespeare Company, Scottish Ballet and Royal Opera House have all ended funding partnerships with the company in recent years, to the approval of environmental campaigners.

Signatories calling on Fischer to change the name of the theatre include photographer Nan Goldin, climate scientist Bill McGuire, writer Gaia Vince, climate justice activist and mental health advocate Tori Tsui, the director of the Brunel Museum Katherine McAlpine and archaeologist and author David Wengrow.

“Just as cultural institutions around the world have removed the Sackler family name as evidence of the harmful ways their money was made came to light, the damning evidence of BP’s past – and present – can no longer be ignored,” they wrote to Fischer in a letter organised by Culture Unstained.

“Renaming the lecture theatre would send a powerful message about the future the museum wants to see… You would be demonstrating the kind of climate leadership that is now so urgently needed.”

The letter acknowledged that its writers welcomed the news that the museum’s existing sponsorship deal with BP had come to an end this year and urged Fischer to “pledge that the museum will accept no further funding from sponsors or donors involved in fossil fuel production”.

Welsh heritage sites receive £4.1m boost

Gwrych Castle with foliage in the foreground
07 Aug 2023

National Heritage Memorial Fund awards money to several heritage sites in Wales that were affected by the Covid pandemic.

Art Fund invests in touring exhibitions

07 Aug 2023

Art Fund is investing in programmes designed to support museums and galleries through touring and partnership working on exhibitions.

The Weston Loan Programme with Art Fund will continue for another three years following a £1m grant from the Garfield Weston Foundation, taking the partnership to its 10th anniversary in 2027. 

The scheme enables smaller museums to borrow significant works from major collections.

Meanwhile, a new UK-wide programme that will engage and involve underrepresented audiences with museum collections through touring exhibitions, Going Places, is launching its first phase this month.

The scheme will establish five networks of three to five small to mid-sized museums, with each network developing bespoke touring exhibitions.

The initiative will sit alongside other Art Fund-supported initiatives such as ARTIST ROOMS, which presents the work of high-profile international artists in solo exhibitions drawn from a national touring collection jointly owned by Tate and National Galleries of Scotland.

“Through our growing range of support for collaborative initiatives, Art Fund recognises the value of touring and sharing collections as one of the most inclusive and sustainable ways of bringing art to new audiences,” Director Jenny Waldman said.

ANGUSalive Museums awarded £52k for World Culture project

04 Aug 2023

ANGUSalive Museums have been awarded £52,646 in funding from Museums Galleries Scotland for their upcoming World Cultures Project. 

The two-year project aims to appropriately catalogue, research and safely store Angus Council’s large and historic ethnography collection. 

It will culminate in a co-curated exhibition, scheduled to take place in autumn 2025, and educational resource for schools produced in collaboration with local minority and advocacy groups.

The funding will cover conservation and exhibition costs as well as facilitating the appointment of a Curatorial Assistant who will work on the project four days a week.

As part of the project there will be discussions relating to colonialism and the British Empire in museum collections and the potential repatriation of objects.

“We are delighted to have been awarded this funding as not only will it allow us to research an under-documented area of our collection, but we will also be able to join global museum conversations about repatriation and identify ethical issues relating to the provenance of these objects,” said Emma Gilliland, Museums & Galleries Collections Lead.
“We’re looking forward to developing a number of community partnerships to explore this work further. Montrose Museum was one of the first purpose-built museums in Scotland and began collecting this type of material from the 1830s, so it is appropriate that it will host our World Cultures Exhibition.”

English Heritage to introduce ‘dress up’ for adults

02 Aug 2023

Historical ‘dress up’ costumes aimed at adult visitors are due to be introduced at 11 English Heritage sites this summer.

The move is in response to research commissioned by the charity and conducted by the University of Kent that found adults have more active imaginations than children.

The study “directly refutes the commonly held belief that we become less imaginative as we get older”, the charity said.

Researchers from the university’s School of Psychology asked more than 470 people aged between four and 81 to imagine how unfamiliar historical objects could have been used. 

The answers were assessed based on characteristics including the number of unique responses and how close the guesses were to the object’s actual function.

As age increased, people were more likely to imagine uses that were closer to the actual function of the objects, but they were also more likely to give original answers and to provide more detail.

Meanwhile, adolescents and young adults came up with a larger number of suggestions spanning a wider range of categories than other age groups, suggesting that different age groups have different imaginative strengths, researchers said.

The research “shows that our imaginations continue to grow and change, even throughout adulthood, with the over 60s actually showing the most originality,” said Dr Angela Nyhout, Assistant Professor at the University of Kent’s School of Psychology, who led the research team.

“Adults’ imaginations can be just as vivid as children’s, but what they already know about the world constrains their imagination in some cases and enhances it in others. We just need the freedom of the right environment and opportunity to explore the limits of our imagination, and historical places are a perfect place to do this.”

English Heritage has used these findings to inform its One Extraordinary Summer events programme, for which it will introduce both hands-on history sessions and historical adult dress-up opportunities, with costumes including Roman togas, Medieval chainmail, Victorian suits and Tudor gowns, as well as WWII uniforms. 

At Whitby Abbey in Yorkshire, which inspired Bram Stoker’s Dracula, adult visitors will be invited to don vampire capes and accessories.

The 11 sites offering the costume will be Bolsover Castle in Derbyshire, Boscobel in Shropshire, Corbridge Roman Town in Northumberland, Dover Castle in Kent, Eltham Palace in London, Kenilworth Castle in Warwickshire, Osborne on the Isle of Wight, Pendennis Castle in Cornwall, Witley Court in Worcestershire, Whitby Abbey in Yorkshire and Wrest Park in Bedfordshire.

Tate Liverpool to temporarily relocate to RIBA North 

02 Aug 2023

Tate Liverpool will move its operations to the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) when major redevelopment work gets under way in October, it has been announced.

The gallery said it will collaborate with RIBA on a programme of temporary exhibitions, family activities, public talks and events inspired by both organisations’ collections, with a focus on art, architecture and ecology.

During the £29.7m “once-in-a-generation renewal”, the gallery will also set up a café and shop at the venue, which is located close to the gallery on the Liverpool waterfront.

“Although our usual home will be undergoing a transformation, we will still be able to share the wonderful art from the Tate collection and provide family activity to visitors alongside our much-loved shop and café offer,” said Helen Legg, Tate Liverpool’s Director.

Dr Valerie Vaughan-Dick, Chief Executive of RIBA, said that the organisation’s members, visitors and the local community would benefit from the partnership, “as will new audiences who will be able to experience and enjoy RIBA’s world-class collections”.


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