Raising the standards

17 Jan 2011

Recognised professional standards are the norm in medicine or law, but not in the arts… until now. Julie Aldridge on the new marketing standards for the arts

Spoiled for choice?

22 Nov 2010

Roger Tomlinson introduces our special ticketing feature, and surveys the range of ticketing and marketing systems on offer in the UK

Case study: Women’s work?

01 Nov 2010

Julie Aldridge ponders why arts marketing is dominated by women

The march of the Twitterati

Twitter graphic
24 Aug 2009

Something fundamental is going on in the media world, says William Shaw. It’s big, scary, only half understood, and it’s going to change how the arts present themselves to the world.

2020 Vision - Future marketing

dominos on a wooden surface with Facebook, Twitter and other social media logos instead of white dots
01 Jun 2006

In the second of our series looking at the arts world of the future, Alice Walton casts her mind forward to 2020 and asks how arts organisations will attract future audiences.


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