The Arts in Your Church ? A Practical Guide provides a tool for planning various arts events in Church and the local community. Written by Fiona Bond, the book also features 10 case studies. Contact IVP t: 0115 978 1054 e:[email protected]

Voluntary Arts Network has produced two new Briefings.?Telephone Conferences, Networking Made Easy? includes suggestions on how to organise such conferences effectively, and ?Constitutions Clarified? gives a short overview of constitutions, different legal structures for groups, differences between them and the various pros and cons. The Briefings cost £1 each, or can be downloaded from the VAN website. e: [email protected], w:

Norwich Castle Museum & Art Gallery and the Millennium Galleries, Sheffield are the recipients of the largest art sponsorship award to a regional gallery from a single company. The first Sainsbury?s Art to You Award, created to help regional museums and galleries mount major art exhibitions and worth £150,000, has been made for Norwich and Sheffield FlowerPower exhibition which will run in both cities in 2003.

A seminar entitled ?The Age Shift – Preparing for the ?New? Older Visitor? is to be held as part of the Museum Association Conference on October 31. Organised by The Campaign for Museums, the seminar will challenge museum and galleries to tackle the growing market of ?older? customers. Contact Ylva French t: 020 7233 9796.

The North West Disability Arts Forum (NWDAF) has announced an award of £87,000 over three years from the Regional Arts Lottery Programme and the expansion of its arts training for disabled and deaf people. In partnership with the Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts, free training is being offered to disabled and deaf people to help them develop the necessary skills to lead arts workshops. Contact Mickey Fellowes t: 0151 707 1733, e: [email protected]

?Diverse City ? a Vision for Cultural Life in Leicester? has been published by Leicester City Council, the culmination of an extensive public consultation exercise. The report sets out a vision for the future of the City and draws together a strategy which aims to support the wellbeing of the people as well as neighbourhood renewal and economic regeneration. Contact ABL Consulting t: 020 7420 9700 e: [email protected]

A £60,000 Regional Arts Lottery Programme award from West Midlands Arts will see a consortium of arts organisations in Wolverhampton pursue collaborative activities in the areas of research, audience development, marketing initiatives, and strategic development. Awarded to Wolverhampton Arts Marketing, the cash will be used for projects taking place over the next two years, including the development of an events database and website, cultural tourism activity, training and research.

Emote, a small, artist-led, Birmingham based new media production company has been nominated for an Interface Design award in the 2001 BAFTA Interactive Entertainment Awards to be held in London on October 25., was developed by Emote for West Midland Arts, and showcases the work of 90 artist-led projects developed in the region during the Year of the Artist initiative.

South West Arts is running a series of press and media training daysand surgeries which are open to artists and arts administrators in the South West region. Press training days cover the process of getting a story into the news, and surgeries offer an opportunity to discuss a particular press story or campaign. Contact Michelle Hogg, t: 01392 218188 e: [email protected]

The Arts Council of Wales (ACW) is producing monthly news updates reporting on its restructuring and related issues. The first of a series of newsletters cover elements such as funding schemes, strategies, details of reviews and public consultation dates. Contact ACW e: [email protected]

The Scottish Arts Council has commissioned a guide to marketing planning for arts organisations. Written by Dan Hadley, the publication illustrates the differences between short-term promotion and longer-term marketing. Contact Ros Lamont t: 0131 226 6051, w:

Sorry, sorry, sorry? In ArtsProfessional,issue 9, we failed to point out that Porto, as well as Rotterdam, is a current European Capital of Culture. This omission was our error, and not that of the author.

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