If I were 22: Alya Marquardt

Photo of Alya Marquardt
22 Dec 2015

Label boss Alya Marquardt reveals why she would persist with challenging music and learn to be happy in her own skin if she were at the start of her career once again.

Government supports plan for ‘world-class’ concert hall

Museum of London Exterior
18 Dec 2015

A new ‘Centre for Music’ on the current Museum of London site hopes to be the Tate Modern of music.

Success home and away

Photo of orchestra on stage in China
10 Dec 2015

David Curtis reveals how the Orchestra of the Swan has secured funding from trusts based as far afield as New York.

Job Ladder – Jane Beese

Photo of Jane Beese
16 Nov 2015

Jane Beese has the enviable job of Head of Music at the Roundhouse. She tells us how she got it. 

RCM to create historic musical instruments database

Photo of Contrabass Serpent
13 Nov 2015

Around 40,000 historic instruments, including the world’s only octave contrabass serpent, are to be made publicly available via the Royal College of Music’s new online database.

Learning from the artists

Photo of notes
04 Nov 2015

Tired of the same old conversations about audience development, Victoria Johnson has decided to shake things up.

Campaign to boost grassroots music in London

Photo of a musician on stage
20 Oct 2015

Plans to support London’s smaller music venues aim to reverse the declining number of performance opportunities for up-and-coming artists and bands. 

How to… programme a festival

Photo of a concert
16 Oct 2015

Programming a music festival with over 300 events can’t be easy, but Donald Shaw knows exactly how it’s done. He gives us the low-down and shares his top tips for making it as a programmer.

Creating harmony

Photo of file management in action
13 Oct 2015

Struggling with a growing library of video files, London Symphony Orchestra urgently needed a new system. Chris Rogers explains why a web-based solution was ideal.

In Harmony programme remains popular but research is inconclusive

Girl cello
09 Oct 2015

The second year report on the In Harmony initiative finds positive engagement but a lack of conclusive data about the success of the programme.

Extravagant acts

Image of woman against pink background
07 Oct 2015

Daycare centres may not be grand venues, but that doesn’t mean art events staged in them should not be ambitious, says Paul Clark.

No final destination

Image of children performing
23 Sep 2015

What’s the secret of the success of Brent’s music service? A belief that music education is never over, writes Clair Tomalin.

How to… build a brand

Roundhouse lights jazz
21 Sep 2015

How do you get from first gig to internationally recognised festival? Amy Pearce of EFG London Jazz Festival shares her tips.

Future of music tuition could be online

Photo of a boy in a clarinet lesson
18 Sep 2015

A pilot project in rural North Yorkshire believes it’s landed on an effective and affordable model for delivering music tuition to children in isolated areas. 

From closure to creation

Photo of Truro Cathedral concert
10 Sep 2015

Since Cornwall Council closed its schools music service, an independent service has emerged that is no longer at the mercy of politicians, writes Gareth Churcher.

Mission made possible

Photo of Music Mix concert
10 Sep 2015

Partnerships with local authories are crucial to Orchestras Live’s work. Henry Little reveals how they’ve maintained relationships through challenging economic times.

Crescendo in popularity for Scotland’s live music scene

Photo of young people at a gig
04 Sep 2015

The latest figures from the Scottish Household Survey reveal that non-classical music has overtaken theatre as Scotland’s favourite cultural activity. 

Scheme to offer broad-based support for orchestral composers

Photo of the orchestra
19 Aug 2015

RSNO Composers’ Hub will introduce emerging composers to the business context of a major orchestra whilst developing their skills and contacts.


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