After creative workers voted overwhelmingly against Brexit, Mia Jankowicz reviews their main concerns and hopes for the future.
How should US arts organisations focus their energies to save the National Endowment for the Arts? Barry Hessenius outlines his vision.
In response to venue closures and the proposed opening of a hotel on Womanby Street, campaigners have called on the city council to designate the street an area of cultural significance for music and...
An 11-day programme, set to run alongside the first European Sports Championships, will take place in August 2018 and transform George Square into a hub for dance, music, comedy and theatre.
Case study
60 young people in Cambridgeshire stay behind after school every week to sing, compose music and play instruments. Lin Hetherington tells the story.
The rise of the selfie has created new problems for those managing ‘dark tourism’ sites, such as Auschwitz-Birkenau. Félicie Kertudo examines how they can promote themselves ethically. 
The launch of a joint £1.4m fund comes months after the South Korean Culture Minister was arrested for blocking 10,000 artists from accessing funding.
Arts People
How does the Director of a PR firm juggle staying in touch with clients, getting to press nights and meeting journalists by the fireside? Chloé Nelkin offers a peek into her working life.
LD50, the gallery in Dalston accused of promoting hate speech and ‘alt-right’ exhibitions, has shut down following protests and has “no imminent plans to reopen”.
The talk station is to introduce a wave of new creative programmes, including an arts interview series in prime time, in a bid to do for the arts ‘what the BBC has done for science’.
More can be achieved through culture than any other government policy, Bush Theatre’s Madani Younis tells Decca Aitkenhead ahead of the theatre’s re-opening.
A planned evaluation of the much-criticised funding portal will not lead to them retiring the system, ACE has confirmed.
A DCMS-backed funding programme is set to extend the value of match funding offered to arts organisations raising funds through crowdfunding.
Echoing a recent decision in the US, Parliament is considering making it illegal to use ‘bots’ to bypass maximum limits and bulk-purchase tickets, which touts can then sell for inflated...
A new studio space and attic rehearsal room will allow the theatre to increase its produced, co-produced and commissioned productions by 50%, and will become home to associate artists including Milk...
Once seen as stuffy and elusive, museums have become more inclusive, accessible and dynamic thanks to social media. But how much personality should an arts organisation have? The Wellcome Collection’s Russell Dornan ponders the issue.
It’s the smaller cultural programmes taking place in high-poverty neighbourhoods that will be most affected by abolishing the National Endowment for the Arts, writes Sophie Gilbert.
Only Boys Aloud founder Tim Rhys-Evans told the Welsh Assembly his organisation’s bid for regular funding was turned down by the Arts Council of Wales as the lesser offer for girls caused...
The pilot Great Place Scheme will be rolled out to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland later this year.
In his first federal budget plan, the President of the United States has proposed eliminating the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities. The move would save...
The deal will see Sky Arts content screened before National Theatre Live broadcasts and opportunities for further “creative collaboration” explored.
Arts People
CAROL BELL, Director of Culture and Major Events at NewcastleGateshead Initiative, has been appointed as Executive Director of the Great Exhibition of the North. MARIA BOTA, who was previously...
Arts People
WILLIAM GALINSKY will be stepping down as Artistic Director of Norfolk & Norwich Festival at the end of this year’s festival. He has held the role for seven years. 
Arts People
English National Opera has announced that award-winning music producer and composer MARIUS DE VRIES will be providing his consultancy services to them on a pro bono basis with immediate effect. As...
While city museums and performing arts centers can benefit from corporations and luxury brands eager to associate themselves with high culture, grants from the National Endowment for the Arts help to smooth out access to the arts across the nation, says Jenni Avins.
