Nearly three quarters of applicants for a support programme for artists in Northern Ireland have been rejected.
The BBC reports that about 920 eligible applications were received for the 2022/23 Siap General Arts Award fund run by Arts Council of Northern Ireland requesting a combined total of £4.3m in funding.
However, the funding pot of £985,000 was awarded to 262 individual artists received. Three years ago, the total number of eligible applicants was 280.
The fund aims to help artists purchase new equipment and develop new projects.
A spokesperson for the Arts Council of Northern Ireland said: "The 228.6% increase in applications to Siap's General Arts Award scheme this year, compared to those in 2019/20, has placed new pressures on the funding available for individual artists."
They added that a further £16.6m of funding would be needed to properly support and develop artists and organisations.