An initiative to increase the number of people who use public libraries has awarded £1.09 million to 27 projects across England.
The LibraryOn fund, which is supported by Arts Council England and facilitated by the British Library, was launched in March this year.
Library services and consortia were invited to apply for capital expenditure grants of between £10,000–£70,000, with the aim of making it easier for library users to access services online.
Grants have been awarded for website development, apps and virtual library tours. Other funded projects involve artificial intelligence and search engine optimisation.
Library services in Sunderland, Leicester, West Sussex and Gloucestershire are among those benefiting.
Liz White, Head of Public Libraries and Community Engagement at the British Library, said: "We’re excited to see this grant award for library services in areas across England, balancing investment in core offers with a wide variety of opportunities for digital innovation, user research and shared learning about ways of working.
"This reflects our north star goal to increase the number of people using public libraries and raise awareness about their enduring value and importance."