My Gurus
Paul Robinson reveals those that inspire his work, and why he might just be in love with Shami Chakrabarti.
Tim Arthur
Tim was my first real mentor. He was five years older than me and ran the local youth theatre where I became his number two. He had a very different view of the world than most people I’d met so far in my life. Part of this was that he had been brought up by artists (by which I mean his parents, not like in a commune or by wolves). He is irreverent, gregarious and truly polymathic. He has the most infectious laugh of anyone I know and he oozes creativity. We worked together on various participation projects and main stage shows at Trinity Arts Centre and he taught me to have belief in people’s natural creativity and how everything you do is ultimately personality led. Also that if you’re going to fail then fail spectacularly, not averagely.
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