The chance to dance

Photo of two dancers
02 Jul 2015

Kelly-Anne Collins shares the story of how one dance support network diversified – creating a platform to showcase new work – and may just have triggered a revolution for dance in Northern Ireland in the process.

Creative Employment Programme extends to Northern Ireland

Photo of someone on a sound mixing desk
12 May 2015

Over the next three years, 100 paid internships and apprenticeships will be supported in Northern Ireland’s creative sector.

Arts Council targets cuts to protect front line services

Photo of facade of Grand Opera House, Belfast
23 Mar 2015

Umbrella bodies and venues will bear the brunt of cuts in Northern Ireland, as funding decisions are aimed at preserving the “core elements of each art form”.

ACNI sets targets for engaging disabled people in the arts

Photo of people dancing
18 Feb 2015

A Disability Action Plan for the arts in Northern Ireland hopes to raise the numbers of disabled people attending, participating and working in the arts. 

Northern Ireland prioritises access

Photo of people dancing
06 Nov 2014

The Arts Council’s new five-year strategy makes a commitment to promoting equality and tackling poverty and social exclusion, while strengthening the sector to withstand funding cuts.

Audience and participant trends diverge in Northern Ireland

A photo of women playing the tamborine at Belfast Carnival
03 Oct 2014

Arts participation continues to grow in Northern Ireland, though attendance has fallen and engagement is declining among disabled people and those living in deprived areas.

Trusting the artists

Image of exhibition
08 Jul 2014

The Prison Arts Foundation employs artists-in-residence in prisons in Northern Ireland. Alison Smyth explains their approach and achievements.

Mainstreaming equality

Image of Peace Bridge
19 Nov 2013

How has Northern Ireland’s cultural sector responded to equality and community relations since the Good Friday Agreement? Nicole McNeilly finds out.

Arts and peace

Image from Belfast Mela
08 Jul 2013

The Arts Council of Northern Ireland is committed to promoting equality, as demonstrated in its first Intercultural Arts Strategy.

Attendance up, but support for funding down in Northern Ireland

Belfast Castle, Northern Ireland
12 Nov 2012

Survey finds youth are most engaged with arts scene.

Deep cuts on the horizon for Northern Ireland’s arts budget

13 Dec 2010

Arts sector prepares to fight against proposals to slash Northern Ireland’s arts spending by 14%


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