To use the salary checker, simply key the name of the job you would like to check, select your region and click 'Apply'. If we have enough data for the job type and region, you'll see the salary range for the region, taken from a summary of all the jobs advertised over the past couple of years.

If the salary range looks very great, check the number of 'jobs matched'. Where the number is very small, the statistics won't be as good as for greater numbers of matches and you may need to select a wider region or alternatively broaden the name of the job title.

Note: This data was last updated in 2019.  For more up to date data, see ArtsPay 2022. 

Number of Jobs matched: 1418.
The minimum salary found was: £30.
The maximum salary found was: £139,000.
The average (mean) salary was: £36,733.
The average (median) salary was: £35,000.